Page name: Maura & Darek [Logged in view] [RSS]
2011-11-08 00:39:48
Last author: La Luna
Owner: La Luna
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Maura and Darek

Darek whom couldn't control himself anymore quickly moved out of the shirt then quickly moved over to kiss her slightly more passionate as his fingers gently caressed her sides and back, moving over towards her lower back.

Maura moaned and shook as Dareks caressed her. Her nightgown was well past her hips and was up to her lower waist by now, exposing a black silk thong. Maura's hands moved over Dareks naked back with a feathery gentle touch. The passion in the kiss was amazing, like nothing she ever had felt before.

Darek's fingers slowly moved his fingers from her lower back towards her stomach, moving the gown higher as his lips found their way teasingly towards her neck, nipping playfully on her eartip as they did.

Maura moaned as his lips found their way to her neck.She shivered as Darek lifted her nightgown up to her stomach.One of her hands traveled down to play with the edge of his pants,the other still was on his back, tracing his tattoos,as they kissed.

Darek playfully nipped at her neck as one hand moved up towards her chest as the other moved down her side to grip her leg and firmly fondle it. "My, aren't we eager?" He whispered with a seductive and playful voice that was and yet sounded slightly different than his usual gentle voice.

Maura gasped as his hand moved up towards her chest and then when the other gripped her leg."Maybe so," she winked at him with a smirk. She noticed a slight change in Dareks voice, but she thought it was only that way because of what they were doing. She moaned as he nipped her neck.

Darek gripped one of her breasts lustfully and fondled it firmly as he playfully bit her neck lightly and scraped his teeth against her neck-skin while his body pressed and rubbed itself against her teasingly.

Maura gasped and arched her back into his hand as her fondled her breast. She shook as he rubbed against her."Darek, are you sure you want to go this far?" she questioned she was starting to wonder where his gentleness and control had gone, she didn't want him to stop, but something seemed a bit off. She pulled her nightgown off completely exposing both her breasts, her flat stomach and her panties.

Darek grinned and nodded, biting his lip slightly in excited anticipation as he looked at her body and shook as a shiver ran down his spine. "Mhmmm, I'm quite sure, why? Don't you want me to go on? Do you not desire me to caress your body, to feel mine against yours?" He asked in a deep seductive voice that sounded like his and yet slightly different, while the hand on her leg moved to caress her inner thigh, moving slowly up her leg. "To feel me fondle your most sensitive spots... Or am I wrong? Do you desire me to stop?" He asked suddenly and stopped his hands, just keeping them resting on her skin to allow her to feel the warmth as he awaited her response, panting slightly against her neck from the excitement he felt himself.

Maura smiled,"No please, don't stop," she panted."Go on please Darek." she moaned as he caressed her inner thigh. As warmth radiated onto her from his hands she shivered. Her hands had traveled down to his pants, she tugged on them as she moved to kiss him passionately.

Darek grinned lustfully as his fingers continued on with their teasingly slow caress of her body while his lips kissed and nipped her shoulder and moved on towards her throat, kissing it passionately as his lower body started to follow along with her tugging, allowing her to do what it might be she wanted. "This isn't right... Oh but she seems to enjoy it... But it's not me! To her it is, that's why she's enjoying it so much, just listen to her... Who are you? Oh, but I am you... Just the more... How shall we put it? Fun you..." He argued with himself inside his mind all the while his body eagerly felt, kissed and moved against Maura eagerly almost hungrily.

Maura moaned and shivered as he kissed and felt her. It was now that she finally looked at his face intensely."Darek, Stop." she said putti as the night went on and if Maura had been herself she would have be ng her hands on his muscular shoulders and pushing him up, using a bit of her vampire strength to do so."Your not your self, I don't want to do this when your not your self." she looked up at him in the pitch black of the night.

Darek groaned and let go of her as he sat back yet with a devilish grin. "Oh? And what makes you say I'm not myself?" He ran a finger down between her breasts and down her stomach teasingly. "Your body didn't seem to mind that I 'wasn't myself' at the time..." He said with a smirk as he looked at her with an lustful look. "Do you really mean to say you prefer that dull version who'd probably never dare touch you like you so obviously have craved for?" He asked as he now finally fully concentrated his golden eyes on her so she could get to see them.

It was hard to resist but Maura managed it, she wanted Darek back, the real Darek."Well this isn't the man I fell in love with." she said looking lovingly up at the man on top of her, hoping Darek would come out in him."That dull version, is the one I want, because its him." she shivered at his touch, but remained strong and unflinching in her answer.

Darek smirked and leaned forward, his golden eyes focused entirely on her, promising endless pleasure as they did. "Oh? You do realize that he'd probably never touch you in this way, he'd never caress your soft lovely body the way it so desires.... I can even now still scent how deeply you desire this... If that's what you truly want then I'll step back, but I will then also promise you that I won't come back, nor help you like I did earlier today when this fool didn't even dare to raise his voice against an upper classman..."

"Please I just want him back." Mauras eyes plead with him. She didn't care if he never touched her again she just wanted Darek back the way he was. She was a little unnerved and shocked by all this but she just wanted him back.

Darek groaned and smirked. "Fine, but if you do need me then call and depending on if I so desire then I might just grant you your wish... If you appeal me enough then too... Otherwise you might end up only with the boring and dull version for all time..." His golden eyes slowly started to change back as well as his other physical traits that he had already gotten through, Darek's normal gentle appearance along with his normal eyecolor flashed back and forth as the other part slowly disappeared.

"Darek!" Maura sat up quickly and hugged him, not remembering that both of them didn't have shirts on. "Are you okay?" she looked intensely into his eyes as he came back.

Darek the ordinary gentle one smiled and gently wrapped his arms around her. "I'm fine, I was just locked away for a moment... He wouldn't hurt me, he'd rather enjoy having me see what he made me do onto others..." He said softly as he held her close.

" saw all that?" Maura bit her lip, the one that he, not really him, but its complicated, had kissed moments before. They had come so close it was a good thing she had caught it in time, but she was a little embarrassed.

Darek nodded silently and gently kissed her forehead then as he pulled her close again into his embrace he was suddenly reminded that she was currently without a night-gown as he felt the proof pressed against his torso which also was bare. "It's okay though, you thought it was me, I am flattered beyond words and must admit that it seemed rather pleasurable..." He blushed brightly and then held her on an arms-length as her bare skin against him felt a little more pleasant than he'd like to admit, he also looked away in respect of her even if he had seen her through his own eyes earlier.

Maura was extremely embarrassed. She loved him more then words can describe but she knew he would NEVER touch her like that again if he remained himself. She willingly gave that back to have him. She averted her eyes from him as he held her at arms length. She reached over and pulled on her nightgown. She sighed, knowing what just happened will never happen again.

Darek sighed softly. "You really wanted that to happen didn't you? You really wish for me to do the same, don't you?" He asked almost a little pained but tried to hide that in his voice as he easily could show it in his face at the moment due to that they were not facing eachother at the moment.

Maura shook her head, her silky black hair a bit messy."I don't want you to do something you don't want to, and don't try to tell me you do.." she looked at him, she could hear the pain in his voice. It didn't matter what she wanted, if he wasn't comfortable with it she would never let it happen.

Darek nodded. "True, but none the less you wish that I was the one in control when we did that earlier... That I was the one who would touch you in such a way..." He ran a finger through his raven blue hair as he thought about the whole incident.

Maura embarrassed that he saw through her that easily, wouldn't look at Darek. She remained quiet and pained. She hadn't wanted him to know it would make this to awkward.

Darek sighed. "See? You can't even say anything back because you know I am right..." He groaned and rubbed his temples. "Now I understand why he gave up so easily... He wanted me to hear this before.... Ughn!" He crumbled over in pain. "Fool! You'd think I was that easy to get rid of? But you said you would leave! When has one of your kind's dark side ever been trustworthy except for if they actually gave their word you foolish little angel?" The voices sounded in his mind as they fought over rule of the body.

"Darek!" Maura reached forward and grabbed him, holding him against her. "Whats wrong?" she was still completely embarrassed but he was in pain. A tear ran down her cheek, This is sooo not how I wanted the night to go! she thought painfully. She shook Darek, willing him to come back to her.

Darek slowly stopped to shake as her care and will brought the gentle Darek to the surface and his breathing calmed down. "I'm so sorry for worrying you like this... This was not how I intended this night to happen..." He said low, almost in a whisper as he looked up at her with loving eyes.

"It's alright." Maura said as tears began to cascade down her cheeks. She tried to smile as she looked into his loving eyes. Her eyes suddenly looked away from his, she stared off into space behind him as she cried. She would have tried to change the subject but it was a little much for her.

Darek looked down a little then sighed and looked back a little worried. "What's the matter? Did I say something bad? Or is it about what I might not be able to give you? At least not the way or time you'd like it?"

Maura wiped tears off her cheeks, then turned to Darek and in a desperate attempt to change the subject went.."Do you really have wings?" she traced the tip of the tattoo wings on his shoulders curiously.

Darek smiled softly and wiped a lingering tear then grinned and nodded. "That I do, not sure it truly would be wise to unleash the seal in here because of the small fit, but I might be able to do it if I hold them in to myself..." He said thoughtfully to himself, scratching his chin in thought.

Maura stopped tracing to look up at him. "If it is to small you don't have too." she smiled, gently. Just acting on a pure whim she leaned forward and kissed him softly on the lips, then pulled back quickly and searched his face for feelings.

Darek smiled and blushed softly then tilted his head. "Are you sure? Like said if I hold them in from the beginning it shouldn't be a problem, it's difficult to fully tell now when I usually unseal them in wide spaces... Otherwise can also show you during tomorrow afternoon if you'd prefer that..." He said with a soft grin.

Maura grinned and nodded, "Whatever you want," she was glad with his reaction to the sudden kiss, she was testing him, seeing how far she could push the envelope before his other side came out. This time she kissed him and it was passionate and lingering a bit longer but was still gentle.

Darek blushed brightly and was for a moment speechless then at last stuttered out. "W-what are you doing? Are you trying to bring him out?" He asked slightly confused, he did enjoy the kiss but the way she was doing it didn't fully seem right when she had begged him to return and not the other part of him.

Maura tilted her head and looked at Darek with puppy dog eyes that were a bit teasing. Silently her eyes told him.."No..I'm seeing how far i can go without bring him out." she smiled and said."Unless you don't want me to try, I could always never kiss you again...." she said her voice trailing off as her purple eyes glinted with teasing.

Darek's eyes went wide and he wrapped his arms around her. "That's not what I want... I just thought... That..." He lightly squeezed her without hurting her as he closed his eyes. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that..."

Maura grinned as Darek wrapped his arms around her and squeezed her lightly. "No worries." she leaned forward and kissed him, but kept it gentle, with a bit of passion of course.

Darek gently gave in and returned the kiss lovingly, holding her close to him, the seal on his back breaking as wings as white as snow except for having golden tipped feathers sprouted out from his shoulderblades and wrapped around the two in a soft embrace.

Maura watched as the wings wrapped around them, she smiled against his lips as they kissed. With the warmth of his wings on her back and his front pressed against hers, Maura couldn't have felt more comfortable of loved. Her eyes drifted closed as she feel deep into the kiss.

Darek smiled softly and wrapped his arms furthermore around her and deepened the kiss slightly yet did so in a loving way more than just lust, while his wings wrapped around them to make an own world for the two.

Maura moaned softly as he deepened the kiss, all she left was love, no lust, it was the best feeling in the world for Maura. Her arms had wrapped around his neck, his feathers brushing against her. She had moved so she was kneeling in front of him, to make it easier for both.

Darek moved to kneel before her as well yet still slightly towered over her due to his height in general, his hands gently stroked her shoulder blades while lightly pulling her further into the kiss while he smiled happily as he felt her return the love he felt for her.

Maura tilted her head up so he would have a easier time kissing her. She moaned into his mouth as he stroked her shoulder blades and pulled her closer and further into the kiss. She felt him smile and she smiled too, still kissing him gently Maura opened her mouth, seeing how far he would go.

Darek tilted his head slightly and used the opportunity to gently deepen the kiss, holding her close and his arms around her in a loving embrace.

Mauras hands moved to tangle her fingers in his dark raven blue hair, she shivered as his arms pulled her closer and he deepened the kiss. All she felt was love from him, it was so different from before. She pushed the envelope, her body pressed against his, her chest and his chest, her torso and his torso.

Darek grinned softly and gently placed his hand upon her chest, above her heart and held it there. "Doesn't it feel better to listen to this?" He whispered gently as he placed his forehead against hers and looked from his hand to her eyes with the most gentlest eyes and heartwarming smile.

Maura smiled and shivered when he placed his hand on her chest. "Yes, it does feel better." she said with a yawn, she had forgotten how sleepy she was. As he leaned his forehead against hers she grinned, her eyes growing heavy from lack of sleep.

Darek grinned softly. "Shouldn't you better sleep? You've had quite some things you've gone through, you need rest dear..." He said with a soft smile as he moved his hand over to support her in his arms while his wings moved closer like a white and golden blanket around her.

"Mmmmhmm," was all Maura could manage as she curled in his arms, she looked up at him lovingly and thankfully. Her eyes soon drifted closed as she fell asleep in her lovers strong capable arms.

Darek smiled softly as he looked at her. "Sleep well my dear beloved Maura..." He whispered ever so gently as he carefully laid her down on the bed then mumbled the words to seal his wings back then he laid down beside her, wrapping his arms around her protectively while also making sure she was covered by the blanket, he then short there after also started to drift off into sleep as he also was exhausted both from fighting himself and the journey to the school and everything else that had happened when he arrived.

Maura sighed in her sleep as Darek laid her down and laid down next to her. She snuggled close to him, her head resting on his chest, feeling his heart beat in her sleep. Her legs had moved to tangle with Dareks. In her sleep she started to mutter things such as.."Darek...My love ....Forever ... Darek."

Darek whom was still somewhat awake blushed and smiled then snuggled close to her and kissed her cheek very gently to not wake her up. "And I love you forever my dear Maura..." He whispered very low before finally closing his eyes and falling asleep.

Maura felt him snuggle closer to her and sighed. Then when he kissed her cheek she smiled in her sleep. She loved him so dearly, and she showed that so easily. She woke a while later and opened her eyes to see his lips right in front of her. She bit her lip. It seemed she was having problems her self, she then leaned forward and kissed him passionately.

Darek awoke as Maura's lips was pressed against his in a passionate kiss, due to being quite sleepdrunk the other part got control as he returned the kiss just as passionately. His arms wrapped around her as his fingers caressed her soft and just barely covered skin lustfully while his tongue playfully pressed against her lips and stroked along them.

Maura pressed closer to him as he kissed her. Her spin tingled as his fingers caressed her soft exposed skin. When his tongue playfully pressed against her lips and stroked along them she opened her mouth in response.

Darek purred softly in delight as his tongue playfully slipped into her mouth and stroked along her tongue, his fingers greedily exploring her body while avoiding her most sensitive areas just to tease while he rubbed his body against her in a rather lustful manner.

Maura purred in response to Darek, her tongue stroking against his. She moaned and shook as he explored and rubbed her. Her hands went to rest on his shoulders as they kissed. She knew this was only happening because he was only half awake but she didn't care, he had been right, she wanted this.

Darek grinned as his golden eyes watched her shiver under his touch which got more lustful and one of his hands started to move towards her chest and one down her stomach, still going lower as his tongue explored her mouth playfully and moaning as he moved his lower body teasingly against her.

Maura moaned as his touch got more lustful. She shook uncontrollably as one of his hands moved to her chest and the other move down her stomach. She swirled her tongue with Dareks, knowing he wasn't himself and she didn't bring it out on purpose but she wanted to go far with him...maybe all the way. She moved her lower body against his teasingly as he did the same.

Darek grinned as he felt her give in to his temptations without hesitation and rubbed and tracked his nails teasingly across and up her innerthigh, the other hand eagerly molded her breast while his tongue rubbed against hers, he then leaned his head back and looked at her lust showing visibly in his golden eyes. "My, my... Didn't we change our mind quickly? Don't worry... I'll let you feel pleasure you've only dreamed of having..." He whispered softly in her ear then nipped her eartip and started to lick up her neck then nibbled on it firmly.

Mauras body tingled as Darek tracked his nails teasingly over her cold soft body. Her eyes snapped open to look at him when he pulled back, she had lost control too and her seductive vampiric nature had come out, her eyes were a teasing black instead of her gentle purple. She wasn't herself and neither was he... God only knows was will happen to the two now. Her nails dug deep into his back as he licked and nibbled her neck.

Darek moaned softly as he enjoyed the sensation of her nails before he finally moved his hand over and groped her playfully. "Mhmmm, aren't we excited... Well then, tell me what you want and I might just grant your wish..." He whispered with a grin as his fingers rubbed against the black silk covering her crotch, the other hand fondling her breast as he lightly bit her neck and scraped his teeth teasingly over the skin on her neck.

Maura moaned loudly as his fingers rubbed against the black silk covering the only part he hasn't seen. The silk had started to become saturated over the course of the night,if she had been her self she would have been embarrassed. Her nipples had become hard as he fondled her breast, and she shivered as he bit her neck. "What ever you want I'll do," she whispered seductively.

Darek grinned as his fingers started to become a little more thorough, rubbing slightly more firmly and trying to work her through the cloth. "Mhmm, does that then mean that I'm free to do what I want with you?" He leaned his head back to look at her with a lustful look in his eyes while he licked his lips eagerly, his other hand playing with her breast and nipples teasingly. "I do hope so... I'd enjoy that quite much as a matter of fact..." He practically purred as he looked her over once more hungrily, scenting her desire rather strongly by now.

Maura squirmed under his touch, he was definitely getting to her through the cloth. She nodded at his question. "Yes,whatever you'd like." she arched her back as her played with her breast and nipples teasingly. She was practically radiating desire and lust, her black eyes stared up at him as he looked at her hungrily.

Darek grinned as he kissed her chest above her breasts and teasingly slow moved down towards her free breast, kissing and nipping his way there. His one hand starting to try and sneak past her moist underwear while the other moved to remove her gown.

Maura pulled her gown off, her hands jittering, as he kissed her chest. She gasped as his hand started to slip under her underwear, she knew that would be coming off soon. Her one hand was still on his back her black nails almost drawing blood, and her other was resting on his shoulder as he pleasured her.

Darek grinned as he kissed and nipped lower, playfully starting to lick around her nipple and nipped it teasingly as his hand continued to stroke her directly under the only cloth left covering her body. "Mhmmm... You're quite tasty my sweet, wonder how the rest of you taste..." He said with a light chuckle as he nipped and licked his way down her body.

Maura gasped and moaned as Darek kissed and nipped her nipple as he rubbed her directly. She moved her hips, grinding them into his hand. She grinned a grin filled with mischief at him as he moved down her body. "Well...your about to find out." she winked as she shook and gasped.

Darek grinned wide as he kissed her hips, moving his lips towards where his fingers was doing their best to please her meanwhile his other hand was playing with her breast to the best of his abilities, he then grinned wider and removed his hand from her crotch and moved it over to his lips and licked his fingers with a soft purr, he then moved the hand up together with the other hand as he started to firmly lick her through the silk cloth.

"Mmmm!" Maura moaned as he moved down. It was very erotic for her to watch him lick his fingers that had just been under the silk. When he moved both his hands up to play with her breasts and he started licking her, even if it was through the fabric she moaned the loudest she had all night. One of her hands went to the back of his head to hold him there and the other rested on the bed next to her.

Darek grinned lustfully as he happily licked her then moved one hand down and moved the fabric aside so he had full access, he then quickly took advantage of that and eagerly leaned forward and licked her as if his life depended on it while the hand holding the cloth aside playfully rubbed her innerthigh to further add to the sensation.

Once Darek moved the fabric aside and started licking her with nothing blocking it Maura bucked her hips up into him the sensation driving her crazy. She gasped in between panting and moans.

Darek smirked and licked even more eagerly as the hand on her thigh moved to press her gently against him more as he used his tongue and mouth the best he could to bring her pleasure as he softly moaned against her.

Maura shook uncontrollably as a wave crashed down on her and she started to get very wet, something that would probably be in Dareks mouth soon. After the wave stopped she loosened every muscle and just collapsed backward.

Darek grinned as he licked up every salty drop eagerly then looked up as he licked his lips with a delightful purr. "Mhmmmm... I guess that means you enjoyed it..." He said in a very sensual and soft voice all the while his physique slowly changed to a more delicate and sensual appearance with lustful bedroom eyes of a soft golden color, his more slender yet still strong arms stroked along her side and his fingers caressed her soft skin teasingly.

Maura nodded as he licked his lips and purred. She shook, looking down at him noticing some changes,but she didn't mention it. "Do you need to be pleasured?" she said quietly her fingers tangling in his soft raven blue hair.

Darek grinned and closed his eyes for a moment with a delighted purr. "Hmmm... I don't have to be, but if you desire it then I am happy to oblige..." He practically purred out as he kissed her thighs softly while looking up at her with his seductive bedroom eyes.

Maura was about to answer when her real self fought its way to the surface and kicked out her vampiric instinct. She scramble away from Darek, to the corner of the bed, realizing what they had just done as her eyes faded back to their pleasing purple. "Oh god no...We didn't just do that..." she said her voice cracking in certain spots.

Darek looked at her curious. "Why not? You gave in to what you truly desired... Is that so bad?" He then grimaced as the other part of him slowly started to awaken again. "Not now, you're not needed... No! I will not let you control me more!... I just gave you what you both wanted! No, what you wanted!" The two parts argued with eachother as the angelic part tried to fight his way to the surface as well, feeling the discomfort in Maura's voice that was the cause for his awakening in the first place, as they battled in his mind Darek's form switched between the incubus form and angelic form.

Maura was still shaken from her instinct taking over and locking her up. She reached over and tugged on her nightgown with a grimace. She curled in the corner, but when she saw Darek grimace and she saw a bit of the real him flash to the surface, she crawled over to him and sat near him as he struggled. Holding his hand for support for them both.

Darek slowly started to relax as the angelic form slowly started to settle upon him again, his breathing gently became more relaxed as well, he looked up at her with a soft yet slightly exhausted smile since the struggle for control had taken a lot out of him. He reached up and stroked her cheek gently. "A-Are you okay?" He whispered softly.

Maura shook visibly as she was pained emotionally and physically. She sighed as he stroked her cheek. "I a little shaken." she stammered looking into his eyes that now were caring and soft. Maura was panting a bit after going through all that.

Darek sighed softly and shook his head slightly as he stroked her cheek. "You don't have to force yourself around me, I want you to know that... You're not fine, I can tell by how you're reacting now..." He looked up at her with a tear falling down each cheek. "I'm sorry about what happened, he caught me off guard and it took some time for me to fully regain consciousness so I could fight back..."

Maura nuzzled her cheek into his hand with a sad smile. "Don't cry. It's not your fault." She took his other hand in hers. "Don't apologize."

Darek gently took the other hand up and stroked her cheek softly while the other gently squeezed her hand. "Maybe not but he still resides inside of me, so I still feel I should apologize even if you say I shouldn't... I never intended to do something you didn't like..."

"I let myself go. I lost control, I wasn't myself as well." Maura sighed softly. "Let's just get some sleep. Alright?" Maura looked tired, her eyelids getting heavy, it was becoming harder and harder to keep them open.

Darek yawned softly and smiled faintly as he nodded. "Very well but I still feel bad over what I end up doing to you none the less..." He wrapped his arms around her in a tight embrace. "I wish you a good night's rest my dear Maura and if there is anything then it's just to call." He smiled gently as he slowly started to get off the bed while keeping back a yawn.

"Don't leave me. Please." Maura grabbed his hand and pulled him back. "Just sleep." She looked at him with pleading purple eyes. She laced her fingers with his and tugged him back.

Darek slightly grinned then nodded with a soft smile. "Alright, I probably shouldn't but how can I say no to you?" He moved back towards her and kissed her cheek. "Well, either way I hope you sleep well." He stretched then sat so she could lay down however she wished to lay, ready to lay beside her as she and even he wished for.

"Thank you." Maura smiled and purred when her kissed her cheek. "I hope you sleep well too." She yawned daintily as he sat down beside her. She smiled happily as she laid back on the bed. She curled up on her side in the mess of sheets and pillows.

Darek blushed softly as he thought how cute she looked like that then smiled and laid down behind her and again took her hand in his after wrapping his arm around her, the other arm under her head to use as a pillow while he snuggled close to her with a soft content purring sound.

Maura purred and snuggled back into Darek. She nuzzled her head into his arm. She moved her back back until it was flush with his front. She squeezed his hand, the feel of his warm, strong arm around her amazing. She quickly drifted off to sleep in his arms.

Smiling Darek quickly started to drift off as well as the feeling of her in his arms and so close was almost intoxicating which caused him to drift off to sleep far better than he normally would.

Several hours later a ray of sunlight landed on Maura's sleeping face. Her curtains were open a crack emitting the sun into the usually dark room. Maura hissed in pain. She slid out of Darek's arms as quietly as she could so as not to wake him. She walked over to the curtains, the light silhouetting her slim, shapely figure as she tugged them closed.

Slowly wakening Darek started to open his eyes lightly. "Hmmm? Where are you going?" He asked sleepdrunk as he had for the moment forgotten the effect the sun had on her.

Maura turned to Darek when she spoke. She tugged the curtains closed, her silhouette disappearing. "Just closing the curtains." She came back to him, sliding back in bed with him. She lay facing him, burying her head in his bare chest.

Darek purred sleepily with a soft smile as he wrapped his arms around her and kissed the top of her head. "Oohh... Sorry, forgot about the sunlight, should have put the curtains like that before we went to sleep... Just forgot because I was so tired..." He blushed softly as he slightly snuggled closer to her.

"It's alright. I forgot as well." Maura said, the words slightly muffled by his chiseled chest. She would have been blushing if she had any blood. She snuggled closer to him, her top leg swinging over him and around his waist. She pulled him closer, nuzzling his neck.

Darek whom had blood coursing through his veins blushed brightly and swallowed for a moment then rested his chin lightly on top of her head while slowly drifting between waking up and falling back to sleep. "Well, they're closed now so that's all good now, got much sunlight on you or woke up quickly?" He asked as his eyes hadn't accustomed to the darkness yet so couldn't fully tell.

"Luckily I woke up quickly enough." Maura snuggled into him hoping to fall back asleep but her phone suddenly rang. A Paramore song started blasting from the black phone. She slid back out of Dareks arms and answered her phone. "'Ello?" there was a voice coming out of the phone that could probably be heard by Darek. "You need me for what?...No no. I'll do it. Wait. Where?" At this Maura cast a flickering glance at Darek then mumbled into the phone. "Fine." She clicked off her phone and threw it on her desk. She went to her drawers and started pulling stuff out of them.

Raising an eyebrow Darek looked to her as the phone call had finally awoken him fully, as well as the certain tone she had. "What's the matter? Is it something bad?" He remained in bed, not sure on what he should do in this particular situation.

Maura pulled clothes from her drawers and closet. She turned to Darek and shook her head. "No, I just have to do the schools dirty work. Some Sophomore got them selves kidnapped." She rolled her eyes. "I have to go get her." Maura walked over to Darek kissing him on the head. "I'll be back soon."

Darek smiled softly and tilted his head with a slight grin. "Well, in that case... How about we both go? That would make it safer and less boring since you'll have company."

"Sounds amazing." Maura smiled and pressed her lips lightly against his. "Go get dressed, Love. We leave as soon as possible." She turned and entered the bathroom, closing the door behind her. Soon the water could be heard running as she took a shower.

Softly blushing at the thought of what she was doing Darek quickly left the room to get to his own so he could get dressed and bring along what he needed as well as also take a needed shower, a cold one of that kind was what he needed right now.

After a little while the water was turned off and Maura started getting dressed. The blow dryer could then be heard. She came out a few minuets later dressed. She wore skin tight black leather pants and purple tank under a lacy long sleeved shirt. She tugged on and laced up black combat boots. She fastened a onyx necklace around her neck and waited for Darek.

After a while Darek emerged from the shower as well, one towel around his waist and another he used to dry his raven blue hair. Once finished he quickly got dressed as he didn't want her to wait too long, putting on his favorite pair of dark blue jeans, a dark blue t-shirt with the cover of a nightwish album on the front. He finished off dressing by putting on his sneakers and a loose purple trenchcoat before he placed his celtic silver-medallion around his neck and started to head to Maura's room when he got everything he might need packed.

Maura shoved some essentials in a black backpack. She opened the door and headed into the hall almost slamming into Darek. "There you are! Come on." She grabbed his hand, giving him the once over with a smirk. She thought he looked cute.

Being rather startled Darek yelps then smiles and follows along with her lead all the while checking her out and grinning softly as he approved a great deal, thinking of how stunning she looked in her outfit as well as how sexy he thought she looked, he quickly shook his head to shake those thoughts away even if it was a difficult task. "Erh... I'm ready! So go ahead and lead the way my dear." he said still slightly startled.

Maura smirked seeing Darek's reaction to her outfit. "See something you like Angel?" She chuckled turning and going down the stairs, not using her vampire speed because she didn't want to pull his arm out of it's socket. She led them to the garage. Taking a key out of her shirt, somewhere pretty private, she clicked and her black motorcycle beeped. She went over to it, dropping Dareks hand to open the seat and take out two helmets. She handed him one.

Darek grinned and nodded while following her lead and once they got that far he grabbed the helmet. "Oh, you can believe me that I do..." Licking his lips slightly as a shiver ran down his spine, he purred softly then walked over towards her. "Guessing that I'm going to sit behind, am I right?"

Maura winked at Darek with a smile. "Mmmhmm, Unless you want to take the other bike?" She looked at the blue bike next to her's. "Which ever you like sweetie."

Darek looked to the other bike then to her and bit his lip softly. "Hmm... Tough choice... With you then I get to hold around you but with the other one then I get to drive myself and choose how to drive... Well probably should take the other even if I am tempted to ride with you." He grinned and winked before walking over to the blue bike and straddled it. "Shall we then?"

"We shall." Maura straddled her bike and winked. She pulled on her helmet.

Darek chuckled then pulled on his helmet as well then started the engine after checking everything was in order and it was fully fueled.

Maura revved her engine and winked at Darek. She pulled down the face mask to her full face helmet. "There's comm units in the helmets. The school thought I'd need them after...a certain incident." She winked. "Ready Angel?"

Darek revved the engine as well with a wide smirk. "I was born ready my angel of the night." He then pulled down the face mask as well and positioned himself better on the bike, waiting for her go since she was the one whom know where they were going.

Maura would have been blushing if she could. She sat on her bike, winked and took off. She zoomed through the gates and onto the highway. Her hair whipped from the wind. She hoped Darek was following as she rode.

Darek stretched his body before giving chase, pushing the throttle whenever he could to feel the wind blast towards him.

Several hours later, Maura realized Darek must have to eat and motioned for them to pull over at a rest stop. She pulled into the parking lot and parked her bike. Stepping off of it she pulled off her helmet and shook her hair out.

Noticing her motioning him to pull over he followed along and as they parked at the parking lot he stretched once again due to having sit for that position for that long, he groaned and took off his helmet. "What's the matter dear? We're there?"

"No, You need to eat Angel." Maura saw a teen aged boy go around to the back of the rest stop. She grinned devilishly. "And so do I." Her fangs extended. She started toward the boy.

Darek shook his head. "I'll probably never accustom to that part..." He mumbled to himself then grinned and went inside to get something to eat himself. "I could have gone on for a little while longer... But yeah it probably be best to rest now." He continued to himself before walking over to the counter to order what he wished to eat.

Maura went around back and jumped the boy. He freaked out trying to fight her off but suddenly calmed down and held her. She drank slowly so as not to kill the boy holding onto her.

Darek grew very slightly worried after a certain amount of time but steeled himself by reassuring himself that he knew she did not wish to kill her prey like other vampires did. Once his food arrived he pushed the thoughts away and started eating while seeing the images of her straddled upon the bike in her tight leather outfit, he slowly started to purr both due to the quality of the food and the images in his head.

Maura suddenly felt the boys grip on her loosen and he dropped. She dropped with him, straddling the boys waist as she fed on his warm blood. She finished and leaned over him licking the cut clean so it healed.

Darek finished off his food and took a sip of his drink before asking for the bill while he waited for Maura to return from her feast, he leaned back in the seat as he did so.

Maura stood up and stepped over the poor boys body. She wiped her mouth on the back of her hand, cleaning the blood off. She then licked her hand with a smile. She went into the rest stop, finding Darek she sat down in his lap.

Darek smiled softly despite the smell of blood on her lips he kissed her cheek gently. "Was it.... Tasty?" He grinned slightly as he wrapped his arms around her.

"Very. But not nearly as tasty as you Angel." Maura snuggled into him with a smile. She felt people staring at them and felt uneasy. "Maybe we should get back on the road."

Darek blushed and smiled softly as he hugged her. "If you think so, otherwise I think it's because we're so openly showing affection... Meaning if it's people's looks you're thinking of." He kissed her neck softly and nuzzled against it then looked at her. "How far is it now by the way?"

Maura looked a bit embarrassed, she would be blushing red if she could. She let out a little moan when Darek kissed her neck. "Two or three days away. Depends on traffic."

Darek blushed for her and softly grinned. "My, aren't we sensitive? Just from a little kiss?" He leaned forward and kissed her softly. "Well, in that case we probably should get going then..."

Maura bit her lip embarrassed. She kissed him back, seeing a group of teen boys gaping at the couple. "Um..Ya. We should go Angel."

Darek grinned softly and nipped her eartip. "What's the matter? Getting embarrassed over them seeing us showing a little affection? That's so cute my dear." He then loosened his grip so she easily could move out of his arms if she so wished.

Maura moaned when he nipped her ear. She squirmed in his lap, the affection getting to her. "Not here Darek. Later Angel." Maura moved out of his arms even though she didn't really want to. She stood, cast a smirk at Darek, then walked away. Her hips swayed as she walked seductively out of the rest stop and into the parking lot.

Darek watched her with a tempted smirk then stood up and followed after, keeping his eyes mostly on her and her hip's movement. "Don't mind if I do... Even if I was merely goofing around and teasing you over your embarrassment my dear."

Maura looked saucily over her shoulder, winked at Darek and walked over to her bike. She straddled the bike, shoved her helmet on and took off. Not waiting for Darek, figuring he'll just have to catch up.

Darek chuckled to himself as he moved quickly over to the bike and got on while taking on his helmet, he then started it up and drove on after her. "She's really a naughty one..." He thought to himself as he kept an eye out after he then smiled once he did see her and started to move up to be behind her like before.

They rode for hours, it was getting to dark out so Maura thought it was time to pull over at a hotel. She spotted a fairly nice Hampton Inns and motioned for them to pull over. She parked in the parking lot and waited for Darek.

Noticing Maura motioning him to pull over Darek followed her lead eagerly as a grin slowly appeared on his lips while he tried to cover that fact. "Starting to get tired my dear?"

Maura nodded sleepily. "Come on, Let's get a room." She swung her leg off of the bike and took off her helmet. She locked her helmet in her bike and started into the Hotel. She went to the desk and asked if they had any rooms. "I'm sorry 'Mamm. We only have one room." "How many beds?" "One 'Mamm" Maura looked a bit uneasy but she nodded. "Okay I'll take it." She handed him a credit card and grabbed the keys from him. She went to the elevator to go to Room 512 on the fifth floor. She beckoned Darek to come with her.

Noticing Maura's uneasiness Darek smiled softly and walked over. "It'll be okay, nothing more happened last night afterwards, now did there? I'm sure it'll go just as calmly this time."

Maura looked embarrassed and she bit her lip. The elevator closed and opened on their floor. She walked to their room and opened it. She walked in dropping her bag on the floor.

Darek grinned slightly and stood behind her. "You know, I can always take the floor if it concerns you that much." He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her neck gently with a happy smile.

With a moan Maura shook her head. "Don't. Stay in bed with me." She smiled closing her eyes. When she opened them they were black. She turned in his arms and grabbed his crotch. She licked his neck. "Come on Angel. Play with me. I'm your little toy." Her voice sounded edgier and she looked edgier too.

Darek blushed as she grabbed him then quickly realized due to her voice and eyes that it was the other her that was talking to him right now. "N-Not like that... Mhmmm... No! I won't let you drag him out again..." He moaned softly due to her touch rousing those emotions he knew was going to awaken the other him, he tried to calm himself and not let in even if he was starting to grow more and more weak.

"But I wanna play Angel." Maura tilted her head and massaged his crotch. "Don't you?" She smirked and licked up his neck and along his jaw.

Darek softly whimpered as he was feeling that he lost it more and more to his other self. "Mhmmm... Not.... Like this... Not with this part of you..." Shivering he tried his best to stay in control.

"Would you do it with her?" Maura licked his jaw and squeezed his crotch. "You see, I made a deal with her. I can't be in control during her first time. It's a real downer."

Darek blushed and gasped while shivering from the sweet torment she was exposing him to. "I-I... I don't know... It depends on if... If she wished me to truly do so... Mhmmm... Please... Don't do this, I don't know... How much longer I can... Keep him at bay..."

Maura licked his lips and gave a finally squeeze. "Alright Angel." HEr eyes faded back to her pleasing purple. She looked down and noticed she was holding his crotch. She looked embarrassed and pulled away.

Darek blushed brightly and smiled sheepishly while scratching the back of his head. "Erhmm... Well... Actually... Kind of..." He stumbled on a little more over the words before finally giving up and shaking his head with brightly flushed cheeks and an embarrassed smile due to that some part of him had after all enjoyed it all.

Maura was embarrassed as well. She looked at her boots before looking up at Darek's face. Something just sparked in her and she jumped on him. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him.

Darek blushed even brighter if possible yet gently placed his arms around her and returned the kiss with a soft passion that showed how much he truly cared for her while he tried to fight off the more primal part of himself that just wished to satisfy its own needs.

"Darek." Maura moaned and lifted one leg, wrapping it around his waist. She leaned on him, her fingers lacing in his raven hair.

Darek's eyes switched occasionally between his warm hazel colored eyes and the golden eyes of his other self as he battled between his lust and love for her, he kept his eyes closed for her as he didn't wish for her to see how hard he was fighting. Meanwhile he softly started to breathe heavier as he pulled her closer and deepened the kiss softly more as his hands slightly grew minds of their own as they started to very gently caress her back, trying to find any softspots they could tease.

Maura moaned, she was finding it easier to stay herself. She kicked off her shoes and tugged off her shirt. She kept her lips locked with his as often as possible. She tugged at his shirt, so he knew she wanted it off.

Darek softly grinned and gently moved out of the shirt, allowing her to enjoy the sight as much as possible before returning to her soft and sweet lips while his warm hands played over her chilled skin, sharing the warmth with her through them and the rest of his body. "My sweet beloved Maura... My dear angel of the night..."

"My Darek..My Angel...My Love." Maura spoke between kisses. She shivered at the sight of his bare chest, relishing the few moments she had to stare at it. She wiggled out of her pants so all she was wearing was a lacy bra and matching thong. She kissed him as if her life depended on it.

Darek blushed brightly while returning her kiss with a tender passion as he sneaked off his jeans which caused him to lay against her in only his boxers and with a growing sign of desire as his hands stroked her back and sides, moving down to her waist and grabbed the sides of her waist firmly yet gently. "You're making it... Very difficult to... Stay... In control, you know that?" He softly moaned between kisses

"Please, Angel, Stay in control." Maura moaned when she felt something press against her thigh. She hopped up and wrapped both her legs around Darek's waist. She nipped his bottom lip, lightly, with her fangs as they kissed.

Darek blushed softly and smiled happily as he moved down and kissed and gently nipped her neck playfully while his finger ever so delicately stroked and rubbed her skin in an attempt to increase her pleasure. "I do try my love... For you I do try my very best..." He purred and kissed with each pause her exposed skin.

Maura tilted her head exposing her neck even more to him. She squirmed and moaned in his arms. She smiled when he told her her tried for her. It made her feel all warm and tingly inside. She tugged on Darek so they would fall back on the bed.

As they landed on the bed itself Darek softly bit her, mostly just letting his teeth scrape against the skin on her collarbone as he breathed softly more heavy against her, his fingers slowly growing more eager in their touch while he still was being very gentle in his touch, teasing her as best as he could while his fingers teasingly slowly moved towards more intimate areas to caress. He started nibbling playfully on the more sensitive spots on her neck while occasionally returning to her collarbone to firmly nibble on it or kiss it very tenderly.

Maura squirmed under Darek, gasping when his teeth scrapped her neck. She let her legs relax, tangling with his. Maura took one of Darek's hands and put it on the clasp at the front of her bra. The other hand roamed over his back as she moaned, his fingers causing her to feel amazing warmth.

Grinning slightly yet while also blushing softly Darek gently started to undo her bra, his lips moving to her throat and tenderly kissed her throat before moving down and kissing the upper part of her chest while his hand fondled first through the bra her bosom then when it was undone directly fondled her breast as his lips eagerly moved down towards her chest. "You taste so sweet my love..." He whispered in a amorous tone.

Moaning Maura arched her back, pressing her chest in Darek's mouth and hand. She stroked his raven hair with one hand while the other caressed his broad, strong back. "I do hope so Angel." She smiled down at him lovingly. Her nipples where hard, her panties where becoming damp.

Softly noticing her moist scent Darek gently purred as he switched between lightly tucked on her nipple and caressing it with his tongue firmly meanwhile one hand was fondling her other breast all the while the other hand gently pushed her against him further by a light touch on her back while stroking her spine teasingly. "Mhmmm.... That you do my sweet... Even more as you get more aroused my naughty little vampire..." He practically purred out the words as a part of him started to rub against her thigh more due to the movements he had to do to pleasure her like that, moaning softly due to that he slightly grew more aware of how much that part had grown, unconsciously moving it slightly in a better position to rub against something else while his mind more concentrated on pleasing her by her chest area.

If vampires could blush Maura's cheeks would be on fire. She arched with his fingers, their touch sending shivers down her spine. Darek was being a bit naughty, She just wanted to make sure it was him. Her fingers when to his chin, tilting his head up slightly so she could look in his eyes. She felt something rub against her leg and when she realized what it was she moaned. Her panties where getting soaked. She threw her bra on the floor, her hands quickly coming back to him. She took the hand at her back and put it on her thong. She wanted it gone.

Darek looked momentarily confused of her action of tilting up his head then smiled as it was his hazel colored eyes that looked at her with all the warm-felt love burning within them along with a mild lust that wasn't enough to pull out the other him, he softly grinned mischievously as she put his hand on her thong, moving the thin fabric slightly aside and started to ever so gently caress what was hidden beneath and already rather soaked. His lips returned to teasing her breast to the best of his abilities given it was his first, his body almost moving on its own as it reacted to her and her pleasure, eager to give her even more pleasure. His other hand playfully tucked and fondled her other nipple meanwhile his erect member rubbed softly against the point between her thigh and the outside of her lower lips.

When Maura saw it was the warm, loving hazel eyes staring back at her, her stomach hurt, it was a pang. It was good, it was loving, She felt so much for him that it hurt a bit. She gasped when she felt his fingers in her. She shook and squirmed beneath his strong masculine body. "You know..You are...Very amazing... For your first..Time." Maura managed to gasp out. Her breathing was hard and came in gasps. She held his head to her chest gently, as her other hand journeyed down to join his. She spread her legs wide, so he had more access. She gently touched his crotch with a smirk, feeling how hard he was.

Moaning loudly when she touched him Darek blushed at her words and smiled happily. "I'm... Glad you... Think so... I mostly just... React to you... Noticing what makes... You most excited..." He purred while his hand moved in to better stroke her, accidentally bumping against her clit on the way while his lips and tongue eagerly gave her breast and nipple all of his attention again along with the other hand, his own crotch moving gently against her hand while he gave out a soft whimper as the pleasure almost felt unbearable yet he took his time none the less despite that.

Maura smiled down at him and kissed the top of his head. "You're... right...Angel." She thrust her hips up into his hand. She encouraged him to pump his fingers in and out of her. She quickly moved out of her thong, throwing them across the room to join her bra, shirt, pants, his shirt and his pants. She slipped her hand into his boxers, wrapping her hand around his member she began to stroke.

Gasping due to the intensity of pleasure he was feeling, Darek almost went blank for a second but quickly recovered and in return concentrated even more on making her feel good by moving his finger back and forth a little faster while letting his thumb rub against her clit as much as possible as he had noticed she enjoyed that. Moaning against her breast he gripped her nipple with his teeth lightly and scraped them against it playfully before letting go and moving lower with his mouth, kissing her skin tenderly on his way down.

Maura smiled when she noticed how much pleasure she was giving him. She let out a moan when his fingers moved faster. She sucked in a gasp when his thumb rubbed her clit. When he gripped her nipple in his teeth she closed her eyes with a moan, arching her body to press into his mouth and hand, where ever they were. She tugged off his boxers throwing them with the other clothes. She then grabbed his member again and started stroking more forcefully.

Moaning and breathing notably heavier as he moved over to kiss and nibble on her thighs while his hand moved slightly faster back and forth, his thumb firmly rubbing her clit as much as possible as he softly whimpered due to how good what she was doing to him felt. His lips teasingly slow moved down her leg towards her groin, licking playfully once in a while to keep her roused.

Maura whimpered as his fingers moved faster, Her breath was coming in short erratic gasps. She tightened her grip on him and stroked faster. "Ooh Darek." She moaned, what he was doing felt so good. She was getting wetter as he pumped, his fingers going in and out making wet noises.

Darek moaned softly and shivered before nibbling just at the part where her leg began and met her groin, her damp aroused scent hitting him straight in the face causing him to get even more eager. "My sweet Maura... I want you... to feel utter bliss..." He purred against her lower lips, breathing heavily against her before leaning forward and sampling her taste while he fingered her firmly, occasionally moving his finger around inside her to try and increase her pleasure.

Maura gasped when Darek reached her crotch, but his member was now to far away. She whined, then thought of something. She pushed on Darek so he would roll over. Once on top Maura straddled his face, bringing her self back down to his mouth. She leaned across his body and licked the whole length of his member from bottom to top.

Yelping Darek first for an instant wondered what she was doing then gasped and purred when he found out what, moving his head closer and licked and nibbled eagerly on her entire gender while his hand once again began to thrust into her as the other hand was placed on her lower back and gently pushed her closer to him as he shivered from the intensity of the pleasure he was feeling from her actions on him.

Maura shivered on top of him. Her breasts were pressed against his hips, one hand went to play with his balls as the other rested on his thigh. She swirled her tongue around the head of the member before taking him in her mouth. She took him deep into her through and began going up and down.

Darek softly whimpered against her clit and breathed heavily against it before again letting his tongue explore her, occasionally nibbling on her clit playfully. "Oh my sweet Maura... That... Feels so good..." He moaned as his hand pumped slightly faster and a little more firmly while trying to not hurt her.

Maura moaned around his member. She shook and pumped him in her mouth faster and faster. She whimpered and squirmed. Suddenly she tensed and almost bit down on him. A flood of wetness poured out of her and onto Darek. She whimpered but kept pumping.

Darek eagerly licked up every salty drop, groaning softly as he too soon couldn't take much more. "Mhmmm... Almost... There..." He gasped as he licked her more ferociously, his hand pumping back and forth fast and firm as he neared climax himself, keeping it at bay for as long as he could.

Maura whimpered but pumped as fast as she could. Darek's mouth was causing her to feel amazing. She squeezed his balls, urging him to climax in her mouth.

Darek moaned loudly then gasped as her actions was too much for him, causing him to squirm slightly for a moment before he pumped into her eager mouth. Momentarily slowing with his own motions as he did so until he regained himself and happily licked her, nibbling firmly on her clit from time to time as he was determined to make her cum again, his hand firmly thrusting into her wet gender as well as moving it around and rubbing against her insides.

Maura moaned and swallowed but kept pumping. She was determined to bring his member back to hard. She popped his member out of her mouth quickly to whimper as she climaxed quickly onto him again.

Darek softly gasped from the aftermath but purred in delight from both having climaxed himself and having made her cum as well, licking up the salty drops he grinned softly as her reactions caused him to once again be fully aroused. "Mhmmm... You seem like you want more... What might that be?" He asked playfully in a purr as he occasionally gave her teasing strokes of his tongue upon her sensitive sides and clit.

Maura let out a breathy giggle. She gave him one final lick before turning back up right and laying next to him breathing hard. Her chest was going up and down as she breathed, her silky white skin glowed. She smiled at Darek and nodded.

Darek gently played with her hair while he was practically purring. "Oh? Is that so? What do you want then?" He leaned over and nipped her earlobe. "You can whisper it if you're to embarrassed to say it out loud..." he whispered next to her ear with a playful/seductive tone.

Maura looked a bit embarrassed, she moaned when he nipped her ear. She had stayed as still as she could while he played with her hair and whispered in her ear. She turned her head to face him and whispered. "Fuck me Angel."

Darek knew she was going to say that but even so then actually hearing her say it made him blush brightly and bite his lip excited from seeing her so aroused. "I'll gladly comply my sweet Angel of the Night..." He whispered into her ear before moving over on top of her and rubbing his member against her wet slit, moving a hand down and guiding him very gently into her, a moan escaping his lips as he did so. "Mhmmm... You're so tight even though you're this wet.... Feels... So good..."

With a nervous smile Maura nodded. She licked her lips and let out a small growl when he moved on top of her. She rubbed up and down his arms and moaned as he rubbed against her. She looked up at him lovingly as he pushed in. She whimpered and moaned. "Your-Your-Your so big!"

Darek blushed softly at her comment and smiled as he leaned forward, moving his hips against her as he did so and thereby thrusting into her. "It's all... Because of you... My beloved vampire..." He moaned softly and closed his eyes for a second as he cooled himself since her tightness was almost becoming too much for him to control himself, he managed and instead for pounding away smoothly and teasingly moved his lower body back and forth, thereby sliding his erect member into and out of her very slowly.

Maura gasped, her nails digging into his arms with a squeal. She spread her legs as wide open as she could. She looked embarrassed when he told her it was all because of her. "I love you Darek." The words slipped out, she looked extremely embarrassed. A moan slipped out of her lips, she tightened herself around his large member and whimpered as he slid in and out of her.

Darek smiled happily and leaned close in to her again, bringing his member deep into her again. "And I love you my sweet Maura..." He softly panted and then slightly started to move a little faster back and forth while trying to plunge as deeply into her each time as possible.

Maura smiled brightly, she pulled Darek down to lock lips with the man she loved. She gasped as he started going faster, with every plunge Maura's breasts bounced. Once she got over the pain, it felt so good. "You..feel so...good."

Darek moaned muffled into her mouth while keeping the pace while continuing to thrust as deeply as he could into her, whimpering slightly as her muscles clamping down on him was starting to become too much for him along with how tight she was. "Ooohh.... So... Do you... My love..." He moaned muffled in between thrusts as he almost couldn't get enough of her and her enticing reactions.

Maura kissed down his jaw to his neck. Her fangs came out and she nicked his neck by accident, her fangs scraping along the tender skin. She panted against his neck.

Darek moaned softly at the sensation of first her kisses then her fangs against his currently sensitive neck. "That's very... Mean... I'm trying to last as long.... As I can, even if hard already... Because of how you feel my love..." He shivered with a soft purr as he very slightly started to move a little faster experimentally, ready to return to former pace incase of any sign she was getting hurt from doing so. "You're keeping me out now, but I will eventually also taste that fine girl's sweet juices for myself... And then I'll be the one to keep you inside..." the voice inside him called from deep inside his mind, he just ignored it as he knew he was too strong right now because of his feeling for Maura was more of love than of lust and the desire was to please her and not himself.

Maura smiled against his neck and licked it. "I'm sorry Angel." She moaned and purred. She sighed, the feeling of him in her was utter bliss. "Faster, Angel, Please." She begged for him to pleasure her more. It didn't hurt anymore. It was only pleasure. She cupped the back of his neck gently. She moaned into his neck. She loved Darek. She would do anything for him.

Darek smiled brightly and eagerly complied, thrusting faster while sucking and nibbling on her neck while sometimes kissing passionately up and down her neck while one hand grabbed her breast and fondled it as the other held her close so he could easier thrust deeply and firmly. "With great, great pleasure my love..." He purred against her neck in reply to her

"Oooh Darek. I'm going to cum!" Maura gripped Darek, moaning into his neck. She started to climax, his faster pace was too much for her, she could feel her vampiric nature lurking, waiting. She pressed into his hand, burying her head into his neck.

Darek gasped softly as he felt her clasp down on him, becoming to much for him as he soon felt what he knew would end up messy. "I'm going to... As well..." He started to pull out of her even if the pleasure from being in her was almost becoming too much for him.

"No! Don't pull out!" Maura whimpered wanting him to climax in her. She squirmed under him trying to pull him back in. "I wont get pregnant, trust me Darek."

Darek blushed and smiled softly as he moved gently back in again and shortly having tenderly moved back and forth shot his load into her with a pleased moan while kissing her neck just as tenderly. "You know that I trust you my love..." He softly panted with a half purring sound.

Maura gasped when he shot his load in her. That pushed her over the edge and she cummed. Squirming and whimpering under him. She calmed quickly, but was to tired to move. All she could manage was a smile.

Darek smiled weakly but happily back in return as he breathed heavily laying lightly on top of her, using his tired arms and legs to keep him off her enough so he wouldn't squash her while he occasionally shook from the aftermath. "I'm glad... My first time... Was with... You, my beloved vampire..." He panted softly while resting his head lightly on her chest.

"And I....Am glad...My first...was with you....My lovely Angel." Maura smiled, she stroked his hair softly as she watched him lay on her chest. She sighed happily.

Darek smiled back and kissed her throat gently then moved up and kissed her chin then onwards to her soft cold lips.

Maura kissed him back happily. She caught the clock out of the corner of her eye and groaned. "We need to sleep Angel. We have to get going in the morning."

Darek partially grinned as he groaned. "Ah, did you have to remind me? Well you are right though... Guess we'd better my sweet." He kissed her cheek before moving over and laying beside her, moaning slightly as he pulled out of her, almost collapsing due to his already weakened state yet managed to lay down beside her and wrap his arms around her with a soft sigh of happiness. "Goodnight then Love." He whispered softly.

Maura moaned when he pulled out. She had wished he would stay in her when they slept, but as long as he was near she didn't mind. She snuggled into him and fell asleep in his arms.

Smiling happily Darek snuggled closer to her as well before closing his eyes and shortly there after falling asleep also, purring softly in his sleep due to the feeling of laying next to her.

Several hours later sunlight fell on Maura. They had forgotten to close the curtains in the heat of last night. She felt a little deja vu when she slipped out of Dareks arms and walked to the curtains, hips swaying. She shivered, at the cold air rushing to her naked body. She got on her tip toes to close the curtains.

Darek groaned slightly at the loss of her against him as he drowsily looked up at her from the covers of the bed. "Not again, how come we always seem to forget that? Wait... Oh yeah... That might be a reason..." He blushed and hid under the covers again while biting his lip lightly as the events of the previous night showed quite vividly in his head when he thought about it.

Maura looked over she bare shoulder at him, watching him blush. She smiled and nodded. She looked extremely sexy with the light outlining her naked shapely body.

Blushing further as Darek sneaked a peek from under the covers and noticed her naked form exposed and shown so well that another part of him awoke again as well as another part of his personality tried to take over. "I won't let you take over again! Oh come on.... Just look at that body... Besides, not like it would be the first time for you now, now would it? That might be but I'm still not letting you get in control!" He showed no signs outwards of the internal struggle, only admiring her vision.

Maura tugged the curtains fully closed. She turned to him and smiled. She walked over to the bed and kissed him softly. "We should get going soon."

Darek grinned softly and returned the kiss gently then pulled her back into the bed. "But not right now, right?" He asked with a seductive tone in his voice as he played with her hair and he let his lips caress her neck with tender kisses.

Maura smirked. "Darek, What are you trying to say? Do you want something?" she giggled as she slid back in bed with him. She moaned as he kissed her neck.

Darek grinned softly and nipped her earlobe. "I might, I might also just want to spend this wonderful morning with the girl that I love." He whispered next to her ear while wrapping his arms around her and holding her close.

Maura smiled. "Mmm I like that." She snuggled into him, pressing her bare chest against him. She let him play with her hair, nip and whisper in her ear.

Darek softly started to get flustered as she pressed her chest against him and slowly moved his lips lowers testing to see her reaction to that.

"Don't go far Darek." Maura smiled, she wanted him to keep going but they couldn't go all the way right now, they had things to do.

Darek smirked but nodded as he returned to kissing her neck and behind her ear on the sensitive spot before returning to just cuddling and snuggling against her. "Alright my dear, just teasing as you probably guessed."

Maura nodded slightly a small noise coming from the back of her throat when he kissed behind her ear. "We should get going." She snuggled into him.

Darek nodded in agreement softly while nuzzling against her neck. "We probably should, just so hard to get out of your sweet embrace my dear." He whispered softly into her neck.

"I know Angel." Maura kissed his shoulder then wiggled out of his arms. She went to her back pack, pulling out clothes. "I'm going to take a shower. I'll be right out." She went in the bathroom, leaving the door open a crack. Water could be heard running a few seconds later.

Darek laid there for a while and stretched then a smirk appeared on his lips as he got up. "Mind if I join you? Could need a shower as well..." He said with his smirk still pursed on his lips as he slowly walked over to towards the door.

Maura giggled, appearing at the doorway. "Oh you dog, you." She winked and took his hand leading him into the bathroom.

Darek chuckled softly as he compliently followed along and once in the shower moved close to her and kissed her neck playfully while wrapping his arms around her with a soft purr.

With a giggle, Maura tilted her head to give him access. She reached over and grabbed a bar of soap, rubbing it across Dareks arms, chest and back.

Groaning softly due to her tender care Darek moves to allow her easier access to any part of him she desires while kissing and nibbling her neck as his own hands caress her body in return.

Maura smiled and dropped the soap, her hands soapy enough. She giggled as she moved one hand around to stroke his member. The other went to his chest and tugged on his nipple.

Gasping at first then grinning Darek moaned gently then let one hand move over and firmly grab her rear and fondling it while the other strokes up along her spine, before tracing playfully across her neck and moving on down towards her chest. "My, my.... Looks like I wasn't the only one who had other ideas..." He smirked mischievously while enjoying her playful behavior.

Maura giggled and removed her hands from him. She out her hands on his shoulders and pushed him down on his knees. She wiggled back onto the shower ledge, opening her legs wide. His mouth was exactly level with her crotch now.

Darek first looked surprised yet when he noticed what she wanted he smirked widely as he leaned forward and eagerly sampled her flavor once more, practically purring since he enjoyed it so much, using his hands to pull her closer to his mouth by a firm grip on her ass.

Maura moaned, her eyes turning black. "Ooh Baby. That's right. Right there Angel." She pushed his head harder into her. She tangled her fingers in his hair.

Darek looked up with golden eyes and a wider smirk than before. "Gladly..." He purred before returning to giving her entire gender his full attention of both his lips and tongue.

Maura gasped and squirmed. She held his head to her and moaned. He was pleasuring her so well.

Darek eagerly licked and nibbled her to increase her pleasure as much as possible while gently licking slightly faster and nibbling more firmly on her clit as his hands lustfully fondled her firm ass.

Maura moaned, her eyes pitch black. "Do you want to play with me Angel? I'm your little toy. I'll do whatever you want." She licked her lips and gasped.

Darek smirked wide. "Is that so? Hmmm... Well I do like to play with my little toy then... For a loooooooong time..." He purred as he burried his head in her crotch once again as he ferociously licked her, occasionally nibbling teasingly on her clit and moving a hand up to insert a finger softly to caress her inner parts while his tongue eagerly stroked the rest of her gender.

Maura gasped as he licked her. She whimpered as he inserted his finger. She shook and came in his mouth.

Darek happily licked up every sweet and salty drop, licking her once more for tease before looking up. "Have my toy had enough or shall I play around more? Or perhaps time to bring out the big toys?" He asked with a wide smirk before licking his mouth hungrily.

Maura was breathing heavily, she smiled down at Darek. "What ever my Angel would like. You control me today." She smirked, really meaning what she said.

Darek licked his lips softly in excitement. "Mhmm... That sounds very interesting.... Guess I'll take you up on that offer..." He smirked and leaned forward again, scraping his teeth lightly against her already sensitive clit before sucking teasingly on it as he moved his hand back up to her entrance and slowly started moving a finger into her while the other hand grabbed and fondled her rear to further entice her.

With a gasp Maura she arched her back, turning the water off. She knocked a bag off the counter, seemingly left here by someone else. A bunch of sex toys spilled out onto the shower floor. She stared at them shocked.

Darek smirked wider as he moved away from her slit for a moment to see what it was that landed on the ground. "My, my, my... How convenient..." His golden eyes sparkled with a new lust as he grabbed out after one of the toys. "Want me to try these out on you? Or shall we wait until another time?" He asked as he held his hand just above one of the toys with a questioning brow raised along with an hint of amusement in his eyes.

"Mmm Remember Angel, I'm yours. I make no decisions today. You tell me what to do. You're, how do you say? My master?" Maura smirked her eyes sparkling with mischief.

Darek lightly frowned for a second then a grin appeared again. "Well then... How about this one then..." He pulled up a device with a cord going to what looked like a little egg. "As punishment for not answering master..." He placed the little egg-like thing gently at first against her clit as he looked to her. "Ready or not..." He then started the device that immediately started to cause the egg to vibrate, gently at first but as he slowly turned the button it started to vibrate even more, he held it firmly against her. "Now stay like that, if you can't then I'll have to punish you more..." He whispered with a perverted delight.

Maura watched him with a curious interest. She watched as he picked up the vibrator and place it against her. The minute he turned it on she squealed. She wanted to squirm and shake but he forbade it. She trembled slightly, whimpering and moaning.

Darek's perverted grin only grew more as he upped the strength of the little toy he found, he then bit his lip as he looked sideways at another item on the ground, he then returned his golden gaze with a mischievous sparkle in his eye. "Mhmmm... That's a good toy... Maybe I should reward you... A little later... For now I think though that I'll see just how much before I'll have to punish you." He held the vibrator-egg against her sensitive clit while moving the control into the same hand as the other moved over and grabbed something a little bigger this time and longer than the little egg, making sure she saw what it was he took before taking it over towards her completely soaked slit and slightly started to rub it against her opening, very lightly pushing the tip of the newfound toy into her as he leaned back and watched her reaction from both toys.

Maura's whimpers got louder as he upped the strength. Her eyes widened as she saw what toy he was going to put in her. Her eyes pleaded with him, this toy was almost as large as he was. Once he pushed it into her she couldn't help but squirm.

Darek smirked more then leaned forward and breathed heavily as he had himself grown rather excited, breathing straightly on her moist gender he extended his tongue and licked at her sides around the new toy as he slowly and increasingly more slid this new toy deeper and deeper into her without hurting her. "Hmm... What do we have here? There seems to be a switch on this toy too... Shall we see what happens if we turn the switch?" He looked at her questioningly for a moment then after a few gentle thrusts he suddenly turned it on as well so there now was two toys vibrating in or on already sensitive areas.

Maura tried to stay still but she started to squrim. She moaned and whimpered. Her eyes wide when he mentioned a switch. The minute it turned on she let out a little scream. She shook and squirmed.

Darek chuckled as he watched her. "Is master a little mean to you? Hmmm... Then how about getting back at master then my pretty?" He moved so he stood with the side of his hips close to her shoulders while still able to move the amusing toys about so he could better tease her and bring her further pleasure.

Maura nodded with a evil grin. She grabbed onto his member and pretty much inhaled it into her mouth. She sucked his member fiercely. She popped him out of her mouth for a minute to say. "Master, What about my punishment?"

Closing his eyes the moment she took him into her mouth he gasped softly. "Mhmmm... Hmm? Oh, so you really want that don't you? Well then what should we give you for punishment then... Mhmm, that feels really good..." He looked thoughtful for a second then grinned as several ideas came to mind. "Now which to choose... Given how you're enjoying those it almost seems a shame to pull them out... But maybe that's just the punishment you need..." He softly panted as her treatment along with his excitement from teasing her the way he has caused him to experience great pleasure.

Maura sucked, bobbing her head back and forth on his member. She listen to him as she pleasured him. She moaned around his member, the toys giving her pleasure. "No, Master. Please!" She popped him back in her mouth, trying to be off him the least she could.

Darek smirked despite the difficulty due to her 'dedication'. "Well then, perhaps my little toy has an idea for punishment I should use? Otherwise I'll stick with that..." He smirked wider as he teasingly started to pull out one of them from her, just barely so the tip was still in but also only moved it in circles there. "Well? Better hurry up now..." He said mischievous.

Maura looked extremely disappointed as he started to pull out. She pouted around his member as he started to pull out a toy. "Nooo! Master! Please!" She had no idea. "I have no ideas Master." She looked upset.

Darek chuckled softly while lightly panting. "Well, I could use something else to fill you up with instead as punishment... Something just a little bigger and more warm..." He smirked and tried to not move his hips to much, showing that he really liked what she did to obviously, the strain caused him to softly bite his lower lip as he kept in a moan.

"That would please me very much Master. Just tell me what to do." Maura let go of his member, her face and hair wet, and her eyes big. She looked extremely sexy looking up at him like that.

Darek purred in delight at the sight of her with a hint of lust in his voice he nodded. "I'd advice you to brace yourself... This... Is going to be one rough ride my tempting little vampiress..." He whispered in her ear seductively before motioning her to bend over a little more so he could easier access her all the while he moved his member in position, which was practically pulsating from pure lust for her moist cave of love.

With a nod Maura grinned and stood, spreading her legs wide open for him. She bent over slightly, bracing her self against the wall. She smirked devilishly, wanting him to go hard and rough.

Darek grinned wide as he slid his erection into her wanting slit and started with soft thrusts back and forth before quickly beginning to increase the pace and force behind his motions as he firmly gripped her hips to move her against him with each thrust. "Mhmmm... You feel so good like this...." He smirked as he moved the vibrator down and held it against her clit with one hand while turning up the volume slowly as the other hand held her hip so he could continue his rough punishment while teasing her with the vibrator.

"Ooooh!" Maura gasped as he thrust into her. She eagerly moved back to meet with him, moaning with pleasure. "You. Are. So. BIG." She managed to squeak out between gasps. When Darek moved the vibrator down she let out a small scream. She tried to focus her muscles to squeeze around Dareks erection.

Darek moaned softly with a smirk as he pounded into her continually, moving the vibrator around teasingly against her clit to further increase her pleasure while the other hand firmly rubbed her hip. "Damn... So... Tight..." He panted slightly due to the sensation of her reactions from the treatment.

Maura let out a high pitched moan as he pounded her. "Ooooooh Fuck! Your so freaking big!" She growled, his pace was hurting her a bit but it felt so good!

Darek eagerly drove his love-meat into her roughly while increasing the volume to max on the vibrator, biting his lip due to the pleasure he himself felt he softly gasped as her muscles clamping down on him almost would become too much, yet he went on and pounded her as firmly as she wished of him. "Only for you baby... Only for you.... Mhmmm..."

"Harder! Fuck me harder! OOOOOOOH FUUUUUUCCCK!" Maura screamed, she slammed back into to him. "Cum with me!" She was on the brink, about to crash over the edge.

Darek grunted pleased as he complied and thrusted even harder, getting even more aroused by the wet smacking sound their loins were making as he pounded her. "Mhmmmm!! Almost.... There!!" He moaned loudly as he held the vibrator in place upon the place that seemed most sensitive before after a couple of rough thrusts shot his load into her eager pussy after having held out as long as he could.

With a loud scream Maura came with Darek. She left him shoot his load in her and started to cum even harder. She came the hardest she ever had. Her eyes rolled back in her head, she came so hard it knocked her out. She started to fall to the floor unconscious.

Darek quickly caught her in his arms and laid her down gently despite he was shaking all over from coming so hard, he panted heavily as he laid down beside her and stretched with a yawn. "Damn... Never figured he'd find one with an equally kinky side as me... He did well..." He mumbled to himself before losing consciousness before the other real him could get in control.

A while later Maura woke up next to Darek slightly confused. Her eyes were purple, but very mischievous. She kissed his lips. "Sweetie...Time to wake up Sweetie.."

Darek purred as he woke up somewhat, his eyes had returned to their hazelbrown color, he stretched and purred again for reasons he didn't know but he just felt really happy and content. "Hmmm? Goodmorning, what happened?" He asked with a soft yawn.

"You don't remember Sweetie?" Maura smiled at him snuggling into him. She kissed his neck with a purr.

Darek softly moaned in delight then looked to her with a questioning look. "Remember what? last I remember was... We were taking a bath together... Either a very quick one or already there something happened... Cause I can't remember anything more..." He shook his head as suddenly a few images flashed through his head too quickly to properly catch what they showed.

Maura licked his neck before pulling back to look at him. "Aww Sweetie, It seems our other selves had a little fun." She looked down to where her gleaming thighs where covered in dried cum. She blushed hard and refused to look at him.

Darek followed her eyes and blushed brightly when he noticed what she was looking at and slowly panted as the blood rushed to his head at the thought of what the other him had done along with the images occuring a little slower this time, allowing him to see a little of the memories he had locked inside his other self's mind. "Oh.... My... Erhm... Well... I'm... Erh... I'm sorry..." He stuttered out at last in embarrassment.

"Oh, Don't be Angel." Maura kissed him on the lips lightly. "I wanted it didn't I?" She pouted, pursing her lips. "I'll have to clean it off, We need to get going."

Blushing brightly Darek smiled sheepishly as he stroked her cheek before kissing her in return. "Well I don't know, I don't remember anything really from when it was... But it wasn't anything I did on purpose."

"We need to get ready Angel. You stay right there, I'll be right back, don't move Lovely." Maura slid out of bed and went to the bathroom to clean herself off. She grabbed clothes as she did.

Darek blushed if possible even harder when he suddenly realized that he himself weren't wearing any clothes and shook his head. "Oh dear... What have he gotten into?" "Oh come on, admit it that you love it, love the idea of having done her real good, enjoy hearing her moan for what you did to her." The other inside him replied to him. "No! That's not... I mean... I can not... I will not...." He stumbled over the words. "See? You can't even deny it you poor excuse for an angel, part of you enjoyed her gasps of pleasure, part that wasn't me then I mean..." The other him retorted in response to him unable to talk back.

When Maura came back out her hair was braided. She was wearing a black corset and black skin tight skinny jeans. She smirked at Darek, noticing he must be thinking about what they did earlier because a certain part of him was obviously reacting. "Get yourself cleaned up Sweetie, Unless you would like my to do that for you..." She winked at him.

Darek looked up with big eyes then blushed. "I... Erh... Well I... I suppose you're right, unless you'd prefer to.... Follow your idea... No, never mind... I'd...I'd better do it myself..." He mumbled slightly as part of him wanted to follow her innuendo and part of him wasn't ready after those startling news he had found out from before along with his embarrassment over that the other half had actually had somewhat been right about what he wanted and what he liked, knowing he shouldn't considering what he was.

With a chuckle Maura leaned over to shove some stuff in her bag making her jeans tighten around her thighs and ass. Her breasts hung in her corset, almost falling out. "Go on now Sexy." She winked and jerked her head at his bag.

Darek cleared his throat as he got more flustered, he hurried into the bathroom, quickly grabbing a pair of clothing as he remembered it just barely before getting into the bathroom. "Oh my... Oh my... As if it wasn't hard enough to try and stay pure in mind.... Must clear my head.... Must clear my head..." He thought to himself before trying to clear his head of impure thoughts. He groaned as he couldn't quite get the images of her in that outfit or the flashing images from his other self's intimate adventure out of his head as they should be.

Maura watched him go with obvious pleasure. "Mmmm." She smiled as she packed them both up, pausing to smirk at his boxers when she picked them up off the floor. Once all packed she decided to watch T.V. till he was ready.

Darek purred softly in the showers as the water cooled both his emotions and his head, causing him to at least to most parts relax as the soothing stream cleansed his body, whistling softly after a while as he started to enjoy the bath, afterwards he took a towel and dried himself then took on the clean clothes he had brought along with him before stepping out of the showers with a soft yet still slightly embarrassed smile. "Hey again, that felt a little better."

Looking over her bare shoulder, Maura purred at the sight of Darek. "Mmm. Hey, Honey." She smiled, turning off the T.V. and getting up to get her bag.

Blushing at her stare and the tone in her voice smiled slightly nervous as he bit his lips, trying to relax again he walked over to his bag and found it already packed, the pair of boxers he had on during the last day even seemed particularly folded an extra time as if the one holding them wanted to hold them just a minute longer, he closed his eyes and shook as an shiver ran down his spine and he almost gave out a purr but just barely managed to keep it inside.

Maura had her back to Darek when she got a text from the school, telling her to hurry up and that the girl was a succubus. She sighed, kind of wishing she hadn't brought Darek if the girl was going to be all over him.

Darek tilted his head as he heard her sigh and her shoulders slump. "What's the matter dear? Bad news?" He put the bag on his back as he asked.

"Wha-? Oh, It's the school sweetie." Maura glances over her bare cold shoulder. She flickered a smile at him but it wouldn't stick.

Darek raised a brow suspiciously. "Hold now.... What is it you're not telling me? There is something not right here...."

Turning away from Darek, Maura sighed and said "She's a succubus." She fiddled with her bag embarrassed. She refused to look at him.

Darek look dumbstruck for a second as he didn't quite get what was so horrible about that then a light sparked as he figured out what she was so bothered by. "So because she's a succubus you think I'm just going to leave you just because she'll automatically show interest?"

"I well....I don't...Um." Maura was embarrassed and glad she wasn't facing him because you could clearly see it on her face. She usually was the confidant one. She bit her lip and hung her head. "Yes, I don't want to loose you."

Darek walked over and wrapped his arms around her, kissing her neck gently. "Maybe my other side won and got in control last night, but that was because it was with you, I might have another side in my but my heart is still angellic and we are always true, be it a mission, a friend or family or a lover... We can simply not be unfaithful even with our more mischievous side, we'd only be able to have that side take control together with that specific someone..."

Maura leaned back into him, tilting her head to give him access. "So.. I'm your specific someone?" A smile twitched her black lips.

Blushing softly he leaned further into their embrace with a soft smile. "That is exactly what I'm saying my beloved Maura... And only you..." he practically purred against her neck as he kissed it again.

Maura smiled happily, she was practically beaming. She was happy until something suddenly dawned on her. Her voice was ridged as she asked, "Darek. Do angels age?" I'm so stupid, Why didn't I think of this before we got involved!

Darek looked for a second dumbfounded then shook his head with a soft smile. "Huh? Well we do but it takes a loooooooot longer than for a human nor most other races... Why?" He raised a brow as he wondered what she was thinking of.

With a happy smile, Maura said, "I stop ageing this year. I wont get any older Sweetie." She bit her lip, resting her head on his strong chest.

Darek scratched his head slightly as a thought came to mind. "Well we sort of after a century grew to look around 20 or so in human years and then next few centuries after that around mid twenties until a few centuries after that where we look around 30 human years and then we sort of stop there until a millennia or so has passed, then we show to look around 40's or 45 depending on the genes and such... So yeah we do grow older in appearance but it takes quite a while before we do so."

With a sigh Maura frowned. "We can only be together for a century or so then. Otherwise its inappropriate." She looked upset, the thought of living, well if what she did was living, without Darek. She eyes watered.

Darek shrugged. "I honestly don't really care about appropriate or not, we're around the same age no matter our appearance so what would the problem be? I mean really?"

Maura turned in Dareks arms, burying her head in his chest. "I will always love you Darek." She held back her tears, which aren't bloody, as she nuzzled into him.

Darek kissed her cheek softly as he wrapped his arms around her more comforting. "And I will always love you my dear Maura." He nuzzled against her neck with a soft sigh. "So even if you stop ageing does that really mean we shouldn't be together?" He raised a brow as he looked at her.

Maura nodded against his chest. She was trying hard not to cry. Now, tucked against his body snugly, Maura promptly burst into tears, sobbing against his chest.

Darek held her close and kissed her forehead. "But why? Who cares what other thinks? We know we're same aged no matter what and we love eachother, isn't that enough? Besides takes at least one century just to appear those few years older and then some more after that, so can't we just take that then when it is?"

Maura just continued to sob and weep into Darek's chest. She didn't answer just wept. She couldn't stop. She shook and wailed, muffled by his muscles.

Darek sighed softly and held her in his arms as a few tears streamed down his cheeks despite his determination to not give up so easily.

Maura's shaking and weeping slowed. She pulled back to look up at Darek. Her mascara was running and her eyes where red, because she needed blood. She blinked up at Darek. "I will never leave you Darek."

Darek smiled softly yet happily. "And I will never leave you my love." He looked to her eyes and gently grinned as he tilted his head to one side to leave her full access to his neck.

Maura looked up at him for confirmation that she could drink his blood. With a smile she kissed his neck sweetly, her fangs scraping his skin.  She leaned on him as her fangs sank into his skin as gently as they could. She slowly drank his blood.

Darek nodded in confirmation to her silent request then shivered as she kissed his neck and lightly winced as her fangs pierced his skin yet held her close so she would know he was okay with that short momentum of pain, kissing her shoulder carefully as to not move too much, risking harm to her or causing her to accidentally pull out.

Maura kept drinking slowly, as to not make him faint. When he pulled her close her torso bumped against his before pressing flush against it. She stopped drinking, her fangs retracting. She licked the punctures clean and then moved up to kiss Darek on the mouth hard.

Darek felt slightly dizzy from the lack of blood but none the less purred happily into the kiss as he held her close to him furthermore, tilting his head slowly and gently to deepen the rough kiss.

Maura moaned, standing on tip toe to kiss him properly.

Darek smiled softly and stroked her back gently as he kissed her passionately even if he risked fainting from his lightheadedness.

Maura smiled when she felt him smile, and rub her back. She pulled away from his kiss and surveyed his face. "Are you going to faint Sweetheart?"

Darek smiled softly and stroked her cheek. "Don't worry my dear, I'll be fine." He leaned forward and nudged his nose against hers lightly.

Melinda's black lips broke out into a smile as he nudge her nose. She purred. "We need to get going."

Darek purred in return then nodded slowly as he stretched. "Only need to drink a little then I'll be good to go, might also need a little snack for on the road." He smiled as he still kept his arms wrapped around her.

"Okay Sweetheart." Maura smiled wiping the mascara off her cheeks. "You ready?"

"Just need that then I am yes dear." Darek responded with a charming smile while kissing her cheek softly.

Maura smiled broadly. "C'mon Romeo." Slips out of his grasp and picks up her bag, putting it on her back.

Darek laughed softly. "So I am Romeo now? Well then my beloved Juliet, I'm coming along." He grinned and did as he said, followed along while grabbing a chocolate bar he had aqcuired earlier in the rest stop.

With a smile Maura turns to kiss him softly. "We will have to stay somewhere another night. We wont get there till tomorrow." She turns back around and punches the button for the elevator, getting in when it comes.

Darek returns the kiss then smirks softly and follows along standing besides her, leaning over and nipping her ear then whispering softly. "Oh? Why does it sound like you're almost looking forward to that?"

As a embarrassed look crossed her face Maura bit her lip. "Because I am." she whispered in return.

Darek chuckles softly and nipped the nape of her neck. "Oh? Well that makes me wish we'd have to pull over for the night that sooner..." He smirked mischievously while he stood closer, lacing his fingers with her as he stood behind her.

Giggling, Maura squeezed his hand. "Calm down Romeo. You'll get all excited." She twisted around to quickly kiss his mouth as the doors opened. She kept her fingers twined with his but stayed in front, giving him a great view of her ass.

Darek grinned and returned the kiss happily before purring as he walked behind. "Mhmm... I'd say it's a little late for that..."

"Mmmm. Keep it up and we wont get out of here." Maura glanced back looking down at his pants with a smile. "Hot." She winked tossing the room key to the guy behind the desk she walked out, her ass swaying back and forth with her hips.

Darek smirked softly and waved bye to the guy behind the desk before returning to admiring her rear as he licked his lips once. "Mhmmm... I'd say... And well who's starting it by being so darn tempting?"

"Tempting? Moi?" Maura said innocently. Now out in the parking lot she risked a squeeze to his crotch. She licked his jaw. "Love you Angel." She winked, licked across his lips and then straddled her bike. She pulled on her helmet and looked to him.

Darek purred and moaned due to her actions then groaned as he knew he would have to be this excited until either he got a cold shower or until they pulled over. "You know that's not fair..." He smirked and got on his bike and took on his helmet. "I'm going to get back at you for that..." He said with a mischievous tone in his voice.

"Oh really now? How will you do that Romeo? Please, Explain it in long detail." Maura winked and revved her engine. She was wet, but it didn't bother her as much as Darek's problem would bother him. She took off hoping he'll follow.

Darek groaned and yet grinned as he followed after her on the bike while trying to sit comfortable. "Oh, I'd rather show you in veeeery great detail later on..." He said with a soft smirk.

With a laugh, Maura rode, both of them rode for hours till it got dark. "Cmon. Lets pull over and take care of your problem." She pulled into a hotel.

Darek smirked wide as they pulled in towards the hotel. "Oh, is that so? You sure you dare that my dear vampire queen?" His eyes showed promise of much mischief awaited.

Smirking, Maura pulled off her helmet. She winked at Darek. "Hell yes Sweetheart. But remember, You control me."

Darek chuckled as he too took of his helmet with a wide smirk. "Oh, is that so? Well in that case I'll make sure to take my sweet time...." His eyes started to show a slight golden edge but main part of his iris was his hazelcolored eyes.

"Mmm. Torturing me?" Maura smiled as she swung her leg over her bike, giving Darek a grand view of the wet spot on her jeans.

Darek smirked wide as he nodded while following her movements carefully. "You better believe it... With how naughty you've been then it's only in it's right place to do so..."

"Come on then..Master." Maura winked and walked into the hotel asking for one room with one bed. After getting the key she went to the elevator, getting in when it came.

Chuckling Darek followed after, his hazel colored eyes turning more and more gold as he lost to his other side, walking along into the elevator and pinning her almost to the wall of the elevator by holding each arm on both sides of her against the wall, leaning forward to kiss and nibble on her neck firmly.

Gasping as Darek pinned her against the wall and started kissing her neck, Maura groaned, "Master! Please wait Master."

Darek smirked as he looked up at her with his now golden eyes that shone with lust. "Why should I? Nobody's here after all... And you can't say you don't enjoy it... Cause I can practically smell you becoming even more moist..." He returned to nibbling on her neck as his hands already started to remove her leather jacket and whenever they could caress her body in the process to rouse her even more.

Looking down into Dareks golden eyes, Maura's own clouded over black. It was true she was so wet it showed heavily on her jeans. The elevator doors dinged open and she slid out of his grasp and to their room, opening the door and going in even though she knows she will be punished for it.

Darek smirked and chuckled softly as he walked after slowly, taking his time to let his prey get ready for what he intended to do as he started to slowly unbutton his shirt.

Closing the door after Darek, Maura dropped her jacket to the floor and reached inside her bag, throwing a black bag on the bed. The same on that held the sex toys they had found.

Darek chuckled and tilted his head amused. "Oh, so you kept that one? Liked it that much now, did you? Well I suppose it's only fair I punish you with some of the things in there then..." Smirking he walked over and wrapped his arms around her after throwing his own jacket and shirt on a chair nearby and started to both undress her and caress her body at the same time while he nibbled and kissed her neck passionately.

Biting her lip embarrassed, Maura, let Darek wrap her in his arms and undress her. She ran her hands over his chiseled chest with a moan. Her corset was unlaced and on the floor in moments, her boots and jeans as well, leaving her in a lacy purple bra and thong.

Darek stood back a little and licked his lips as he admired her figure with a soft purr then leaned forward and kissed her shoulders, moving her bra straps slowly and kissing the skin underneath as he did. "Mhmmm... Looking extra tasty today my sweet little vampire queen..." He purred while removing her bra, leaving her to stand in only her thong which his hands already were on their way towards, intending to play with what they were hiding.

Moaning loudly as he kiss her silky skin, Maura stood still, nervous to do anything else encase it displeased Master. She tilted her head back opening her mouth, silently moaning. She said nothing, just stood still, ready to take an order.

Darek smirked softly as he stood back again and looked around the room. "Hmmm... What to do then with you for punishment..." He smirked more as this side of him took great pleasure in teasing her like this. "Perhaps my little toy has an idea of her own on what to do for her punishment?" He looked to her with a raised brow and a lustful grin.

Shaking her head silently, Maura watched him. What she wanted to do was sit on his face and have him eat her pussy. But that didn't seem like a punishment.

Darek smirked as he watched her. "Well, I can tell there is something on that naughty mind of yours so out with it!" He grinned and slapped her ass gently and playfully while he raised his eyebrow, awaiting her answer.

"I would like to sit on you face as you eat me, Master." Maura looked to the ground, refusing to look at him. She let out a squeal when she slapped her ass.

Darek smirked as he thought about then nodded. "Alright, but not allowed to make a sound during the whole time, if you do then I'll have to punish you even more..." He softly chuckled to himself at the thought.

Maura's eyes brightened as she nodded eagerly. "Yes Master." She slid her panties off and crawled on the bed, waiting for Darek to lay down so she can sit on his mouth.

Darek chuckled at her eagerness then moved over and crawled underneath her and already leaned up and extended his tongue, tenderly licking across her slit playfully as his hands was placed gently on her hips, lowering her slowly towards him.

Maura went to gasp as Darek crawled sexily underneath her, his mouth disappearing in her wet folds. She bit her tongue in time that no sound came out, just a exhale of steamy air. She lost balance for a moment as he licks her slit, the sensation driving her nuts. The only thing keeping her up were his strong hands. She lowered her self to his mouth and sat comfortably as she enjoyed the pleasure he gave her.

Darek grinned before eagerly continued to lick her, more intensely and slowly deeper by sliding his tongue into her slit and playfully stroking the tip of his tongue against her clit, his fingertips firmly rubbing her hips teasingly.

Maura had to bite her lip to keep from screaming out. She closed her eyes as she shivered on top of him.

Darek smirked as he gave her clit his mouth's full attention, licking, sucking and nibbling on it eagerly before moving to attend her whole gender, licking her walls and entrance passionately with a tenderness almost uncharacteristic for this side of him. "I wonder if I should really be mean to her and cause her to go against my orders.... Or play nice..." He thought to himself as he continued his sweet torment towards her.

The top half of Maura's body was shaking, but she kept her hips as still as she could. Darek was treating her with uncharacteristic gentleness that she didn't expect form this side of him. She reached down and tugged on one of his nipples experimentally.

Darek moaned softly at her tugging then grinned. "Oh? So it's like that is it? Well in that case..." He thought to himself while he took one hand down and played around by her entrance as his lips and tongue gave more firm and passionate attention to the rest of her gender, licking firmly and nipping and sucking eagerly on her clit to furthermore increase the pleasure and thereby the torture of having to remain silent.

Almost gasping, Maura pinched Dareks nipple, biting down so hard on her lip if she had been human the skin would have split and bled. She opened her mouth in a silent yelp as she reached down and tugged his other nipple as well.

Darek moaned a little more and started to smirk, sliding his finger into her and gently at first starting to fingerfuck her while he licked her hungrily, sucking and nibbling firmly on her clit with almost a whimper of excitement.

Shivering, Maura let out a scream as she cummed on Dareks mouth. Her nails dug into his nipples as she screamed and twisted on top of him.

Darek smirked wide and licked every sweet salty drop hungrily into his mouth with a happy purr then got out from underneath her with an even wider and almost evil smirk. "So... What was it now that were the rules here?" He asked playfully with an mischievous tone in his voice.

Upset she had disobeyed Master, Maura sat back on her ass looking down. "No noise Master."

Darek smirked and nodded. "Yes, so I guess I have to be really mean now, don't I?" He moved over to the black bag and started looking around, smirking wide once in a while as he found some interesting toys, taking a few out that he found particularly interesting then after a while returned to her with five toys. "Well then, is my little toy ready for her punishment?" He asked with a very wide and naughty perverted smirk.

Nodding, Maura kept her eyes on the bed. She was a bit nervous.

Smirking softly Darek lifted her chin up gently. "Don't worry my pretty, I'll start out gently.... At first anyway..." He winked as he took out a familiar dildo/vibrator with his wide perverted smirk. "I believe you've met before..." He said looking into her eyes with his own golden lustful eyes.

Worried ever so slightly, Maura let him lift her chin. Her pretty black eyes widened when he took something out she knew. She pleaded with her eyes but knew it was useless.

hushing softly he only placed it at her entrance and moved it around in gentle circles without inserting it, moving it up against her clit and at that moment it touched turned on the vibrator inside then held it firmly against her clit with a wide smirk. "Remember my naughtly little toy, this is only the beginning, I've found four other toys to use today other then this one... I'll happily take my time to use each one as much as possible..." He said in hardly a whisper with an excited tone.

Closing her eyes, Maura let out a moan. "Master! Ooooh Master!." She squirmed, laying back and spreading her legs.

Darek smirked as he thought of the fact that he just told her of as he looked to them but kept patient as he had told her he would start gently and slowly started to move the dildo towards her entrance and very slowly and gently press the tip against it while occasionally pressing the tip against her clit to tease her, just to move it back down and lightly press against her entrance to warm and soak her and the dildo up.

Maura whimpered and squeezed her eyes shut tight. She squirmed and moaned as well.

Darek grinned and slowly inserted it after a while of teasing inside her while he with the other hand reached over for another of the toys, another familiar sight. "Well... I think I've taken enough time for this one... Remember this?" he asked with a wink.

Her eyes widened and she shook her head squirming. She moaned due to the vibrating dildo.

Darek nodded with a wide smirk. "Oh but yes, have a few more surprises for my little toy after all..." He chuckled softly as he placed the little egg-shaped toy against her clit while teasing her with the dildo with skills that came from strongly honed instincts. "Remember that there is still three more toys that I can start playing with..." He said with a mischievous tone.

Letting out a shriek Maura shook, her eyes squeezed closed now. She gripped the sheets on the bed as she squirmed.

Darek smirked as he played around with the vibrator on her clit while moving the other one back and forth teasingly slow. "Should we get going with the third one soon or should we wait a little?" He asked with a mischievous grin.

"Yess Master! Yes! Please! Master!" Maura whimpered and shrieked tossing about violently.

Darek grinned and leaned forward and licked her playfully. "Yes to what my sweet little toy?" He practically purred in delight.

"Moooooore Please Master! Mooooooooooooooooooore!" Maura yelled tossing in a fit. She dug her finger nails into the sheets almost shredding them.

Darek smirked wide as he reached over towards the small pile he had gathered. "Well then... Which should we start with?" He raised an eyebrow as he looked to her and enjoyed her sweet torment.

Maura moaned loudly as she tossed. She tilted her head back and let out a shriek.

Darek grinned as he took out another egg-shaped vibrator and placed it against her breast while he leaned forward to kiss and nibble on the other one.

Maura gasped. "Oh Darek!" Her nipples became hard and surprisingly milk flowed out of the one he was sucking on.

Darek raised a brow with a soft smirk while moving the vibrators around teasingly and nibbled more firmly on her breast while with two fingers got a grip of and moved the dildo back and forth while trying to tease her with the vibrators.

"Ooh!" Shaking, Maura started to cum as milk still flowed into Darek's mouth.

Darek purred softly and nibbled teasingly on her breast while he played around with the dildo and vibrators as best as he could.

Maura squealed as she came on the dildo and vibrator as she shook.

Darek chuckled softly as he looked to her. "Mhmm.... But I still had two more to go...." He said with a feigned pout as he still gently moved the three toys around on and in her.

As Maura came down from her high she stroked the back of his head. "Mmmm, Sorry Master." She kissed his forehead.

Darek chuckled as he looked up at her with a smirk. "Well it's alright... Guess I'll just have to start all over again... Doesn't it?" He grinned wickedly and licked his lips as he held the now turned off toys in place with a questioning raised brow.

"No! Master. Fuck me, pleeeeaaase!" Maura squirmed and moaned.

Smirking Darek raised his brow further. "Oh? You think you deserve that? Didn't even last all of my toys... For what reason do you deserve to feel me inside you?" He asked while he placed one egg against her clit and turned it on. "Hmmm? What do your master get out of this?" He asked with a lust that was hard to hide even if he tried to just sound questioning though the lust seeped slightly through as he asked.

"Mmm!" .Maura started to squirm again, her eyes staying locked on Darek's as she endured his sweet torture. "You can fuck me any way you want Master, Please! I neeeed you!"

Darek smirked wicked and tilted his head. "Oh, I already intended to my sweet toy... So anything else you'd like to add my tortured little vampire?" He grinned mischievously as he cranked up the egg-vibrator.

With a yelp, Maura arched her back and shook. Her head shook in a no as her eyes fixed on his crotch. "Plllleeeeaassse."

Darek chuckled softly and turned off the egg as he took off his pants and boxers to reveal how much he had enjoyed tormenting her this way. "Well even though you don't deserve it then I think you shall recieve your desire..." He smirked as he moved over to prod the tip against her entrance and rubbed it playfully around before sliding it quickly into her wet cave with a sloppy sound. "Oh... You sound so nice nasty, I bet you would go crazy if I had let you wait any longer..." He groaned softly as he moved his hips firmly yet slowly back and forth and moved one hand down towards her crotch and placed the egg upon her clit again with a wide and wicked grin. Immediately turning it up full and moving his hips in a somewhat faster pace.

Maura's eyes fixed hungrily on his cock. Opening her legs wide, she accepted him into her. With a moan she felt him push into her tight cave. "Oh, God. So big!" She squealed tightening herself around him. She nodded at his words. Shrieking when he place the vibrator on her. Her large breasts jiggled as he fucked her, her hard nipples begging to be suckled.

Darek moaned as she tightened around him and leaned forward to suck and lightly bite playfully on her breast as his free hand fondled the other while the other hand rubbed the vibrator teasingly against her clit as he further increased the pace, banging her pretty firmly. "Mhmmm... I can tell and daaamn you feel good..."

"Mmmm Master." Maura's nipple let milk flow to his mouth as he suckled. Her breasts jiggled as he pounded her. She was gasping as he did so. Tightening around his cock to try and milk it and make him cum in her and deposit his sweet seed.

Darek smirked and nibbled teasingly on her breast as he turned on the vibrator in his other hand that had been hidden and rubbed the other one against her clit firmly as he started to thrust into her somewhat more forcefully without intending to hurt her as he moaned against her breast. "Mhmmm! You're a... Naughty one... I can... Feel what... You're doing!" He gasped against her breast.

Gasping, Maura felt him turn on the other vibrator. As he spoke breast milk trickled down her breast. "Oh! Please, fill me with your lovely seed Master."

Darek moaned louder and banged firmly his hips against hers while he skillfully used the vibrators and his tongue and lips on her as he cranked up the vibrators. "Ahhh.... In a second my... Naughty little vampire..." He tugged slightly on her nipple as he practically shoved his member into her deeper and deeper with each thrust.

With a shriek Maura started to cum again. She tried to keep herself still enough so Darek could keep his grip suckling her nipple. She felt her cum seeping over his cock and coating his balls.

Darek moaned as the sensation of her juices flowing down him and how slick she suddenly got became too much for him as he gripped her hips and thrust one last time into her, shooting his load deeply into her hungering pussy.

Maura's black eyes rolled back in her head as she screamed and came yet again as she felt him shoot his load in her. The orgasm was so hard she passed out like before.

Darek panted softly and grinned as he noticed she had passed out again, he pulled out and yawned, as he opened his eyes again afterwards they were his hazelcolored eyes and as he saw what had gone on he blushed then grabbed a sheet even if it was almost torn and rather wrinkled he then covered her up and then laid there and stroked her hair out of her face and kissed her cheek before laying down and covering himself with a blanket as he couldn't find his clothes right at the moment.

A few minutes later Maura's eyes fluttered open purple. She turned to Darek as her breathing slowed to regular. She laid her head on his chest and snuggled into him.

Darek blushed more and smiled softly as he cuddled her. "I guess the other part of us got the better hand of us again... Didn't they?" He blushed as the blanket had lowered a little and revealed part of her breast, he quickly turned his eyes elsewhere.

"Mmmhmm." Maura smiled but noticed he looked away after looking at her breast. She pressed against him. "Don't be embarrassed, You've seen it before."

Darek blushed and smiled nervously. "I know... It's just... Well... This me is still rather shy despite everything... Partially since I feel it's not really really me that's doing quite some of those things..." He blushed more and kissed her softly. "But doesn't change the way I feel about you though."

Smiling Maura nodded. "Oh, Good. I love you too." Grinning she captured his mouth in another kiss.

Darek blushed yet despite that he purred into the kiss and held her close. "And I love you." He said with a soft purr.

Maura purred and nuzzled into Darek's bare side. "Does it hurt keeping your wings in so much?"

Darek grinned and shook his head. "Not really, at the very first moment it can be uncomfortable but otherwise it's more like they're there just not visible in some sense." He said as he raised a brow as he tried to think of another way of explaining it.

"Ooh?" Maura looked up at him as he explained. "That's interesting. Are you thristy Angel?"

Darek nodded with a soft smile. "A bit, why? And well maybe later I will show you how I fold out my wings... If you're a good girl of course." He chuckled softly and winked.

Giggling Maura tugged the sheet away exposing her large breasts. "I hope so. Why don't you drink Angel?" She motioned to her breasts.

Darek's eyes went wide and he blushed furiously as he looked away. "That's not how you are a good girl!" He curled up in the sheets and panted softly at both the flustered state he was in as well as he was fighting the temptation of watching and doing more things than that.

"Drink Sweetheart." Maura looked into Darek's eyes and thrust her chest forward. "Please." Her eyes where her regular crisp purple, clear of the clouding black.

Darek blushed if possible even more then shivered as he leaned forward and gently took her breast into his mouth while his arms wrapped around her and gently pressing her against him while his fingertips caressed her back tenderly.

"Mmm!" Maura exclaimed happily as milk flowed into Dareks mouth. She smiled and cradled the back of his head, stroking his hair softly.

Darek blushed and softly sucked and nipped on her breast, scraping his teeth across her nipple playfully while he stroked her back lovingly.

With a gasp, Maura started to get very wet. Milk continued flowing into his mouth as she smiled.

Darek smiled as he looked up with his hazel eyes while nibbling on her breast and nipple as one hand sneaked under the sheets that was covering her lower body and started to rub her tenderly.

Opening her mouth in surprise, Maura wiggled her hips trying to get his fingers into her.

Darek smirked softly as he slid a finger into her and gently started with fingerfucking her as he nibbled and licked her breast lovingly. "Mhmm... So tasty..."

Gasping, Maura locked eyes with Darek, hoping to be greeted by the warm hazel eyes. Milk continued flowing, but you could hear the wet noises as his finger slipped in and out. "Mmmmm"

Darek looked up with his hazel colored eyes and a soft smile as he fingered her gently and he nipped her breast.

"Wait, Angel. Please, Stop." Maura moaned between gasps. She didn't want their relationship to be sex all the time.

Darek quickly stopped and just held her close to him and looked up at her. "Yes my dear?" He asked innocently.

Maura wiggled down so they were eye level. "I don't want our relationship to be sex all the time. We should take it slower."

Darek grinned softly. "Well you should tell that to our other selves, they're the ones having most of the fun, of course I don't mind doing something else, just your reaction did made me interested in pleasuring you myself this once." He kisses her softly. "I don't mind not having any if that's what you want, I'm just happy to be with you my beautiful little vampire..."

Embarrassed Maura nodded. "And I'm happy to be with you my handsome strong Angel. Mmmmm Kissing is perfectly fine." Maura kissed Darek softly in return.

Darek smiled softly and nodded then hugged her gently while nuzzling against her cheek.

Maura snuggled in his arms drifting to sleep with a smile.

Darek grinned a mischievous smile and snuggled as well then suddenly started to tickle her as she almost fell asleep then laid there with the widest grin possible.

Squirming with her eyes squeezed shut Maura giggled. She opened her eyes and laughed at Darek. "What was that for?"

Darek looked back with playful innocent eyes and a big smile. "Because I wanted your company? That good enough? Otherwise could be for you being such a naughty girl that you deserve a good tickling." He said with a soft chuckle as he tickled her again.

Maura smiled, "Awww...Hey!" Giggling she squirmed as he tickled her bare skin.

Darek chuckled some more as he tickled her a little more then let her rest her laughing muscles by leaning forward and kissing her belly very gently as he rested his hands on her sides soothingly. "Hehe, sorry.... I just felt the need to do that sweetie."

Giggling, Maura calmed as he left her rest, smiling when he kissed her belly. "It's alright Angel."

Darek grinned and looked up, resting his chin on her stomach very gently. "Even though I'm an angel I'm still allowed to play little tricks like that."

"Mmm I'll have to keep that in mind." Maura grinned down at Darek, her hand wondering over his tattoos.

Darek closed his eyes softly with a gentle purr and relaxed under her touch then grinned as he came to think of something. "By the way, did you want to see how I 'fold' them out?"

Maura nodded eagerly taking her hand way from the tattoo.

Darek grinned softly and closed his eyes while concentrating, mumbling a single word in a foreing language then groaned softly as the wings slowly 'emerged' from his back out where the tattoo had been, showing some snow white wings with golden tips that slowly started to spread out into the room, giving him the more typical angellic look.

"Wow.." Maura breathed softly watching his wings unfurl. "Their beautiful."

Darek blushed and smiled brightly. "I'm glad you like them and well that's how it looks anyway." He flapped them once to just let himself feel to have them free, moving them up to cover her to keep her warm he smiles happily.

Curling up in his wings, Maura smiled brightly, her fangs glinting softly. She purred as she drifted in and out of sleep.

Darek grinned and rustled one wing so the feathers tickled her body.

Giggling, Maura squirmed. "Daaaarreek!" She smiled but looked tired.

Darek chuckled softly then let his wings rest and leaned up and kissed her softly. "Sorry, just felt like punishing you for not snuggling close to me." He said with a soft grin as he moved up so he could do so.

Smiling, Maura kissed Darek back. She snuggled close to him, closing her eyes to sleep in his arms.

Darek smiled brightly then closed his eyes as well and laid down to rest with her in his arms, nuzzling against her neck.

Maura opened her eyes finding she couldn't sleep. Nudging Darek softly so he lay on his back but didn't hurt his wings, Maura turned over and took his member in her mouth.

Darek moaned in his sleep before waking up with a gasp and a deep purr. "Mhmm.... I thought we weren't supposed to do that...." He blushed and moaned softly while slightly squirming from the pleasure.

Maura pulled him out of her mouth for a moment to mutter, "Couldn't help it, Your right, You never got pleasure in your angel form." She quickly slid her mouth back over him and bobbed her head up and down on him.

Darek moaned and shivered, squirming slightly due to the sensation. "Mhmmm... That's not true.... Maybe the other side.... Got all the other... Times but I did too...." He panted softly then grinned a little. "How about.... I return.... The favor?" He panted slightly more as her actions made him feel very good.

Pulling off, Maura raised an eyebrow. "Mmm Babe." She swung her leg over to straddle his face.

Darek grinned and leaned forward and extended his tongue and playfully stroked the tip against her slit while he placed his hands on her waist and held her close to his face as he licked his lips and then really dug in, eating her out like a wild animal.

Gasping, Maura ground herself into his mouth. She want to check that he was still hazel but she trusted him, His wings where still out anyway. She moaned around him as she kept her mouth bobbing up and down on him.

Darek moaned deeply and admired her other set of lips with his hazel colored eyes while he licked her passionately, using his tongue to the best of his abilities to give her pleasure while his hands rubbed her waist.

Moaning around him, Maura sucked and bobbed faster. She fondled his balls with one hand and she did.

Darek gasped and grinned as he moved one hand over and started playing around by her entrance with first one finger as he licked her clit eagerly.

Maura groaned as Darek ate her. She was determined to make him cum. She bobbed faster, closing her eyes happily.

Darek moaned muffled against her as he started to finger her while he licked her passionately, holding her close to him as he felt he was getting near and his hips slightly started to move on their own in response to her treatment.

Maura gasped as she was teetering on the edge. She eagerly sucked on him to bring him to a climax.

Darek moaned louder against her while he licked and sucked on her clit just as eagerly as she did to him then smirked as he inserted another finger into her gently and moved them both around teasingly.

Moaning, Maura's slender body shook on top of him as wet cum spilled out around his fingers and down into his mouth. As she climaxed Maura took all of Darek's huge member in her mouth.

Darek moaned softly and licked all the juices up eagerly, as she took him fully into her mouth he whimpered and tensed for a moment before shooting his entire load into her eager mouth with a soft purr while he blushed softly.

Groaning, Maura swallowed all of his delicious load. Taking her mouth off of him she licked him clean. Once he was clean she lifted herself off of his face and leaned down to kiss his mouth with her cum flavored lips. "Mmmm, Sweetheart. Want to call room service? Have a little threesome?" Her eyes where glinting black.

Darek looked back with his hazel colored eyes and blushed and shook his head. "I couldn't.... I can't... I...." He hid underneath a blanket while blushing furiously.

Maura smirked, her black eyes glinting. "Mmmm, Cmon." She rubbed her hand on his chest, propping her self on her elbow looking down at him.

Darek shook his head from underneath the blankets while blushing and softly purring silently from her touch.

Lifting the blanket Maura snuggled underneath and next to him. "Mmmm, Darek. Think about." She smiled sultrily.

Darek blushed and whimpered slightly. "But... I'm shy... And don't want to share you... And.... And how can I resist that face...." He blushed bright red and shivered.

"Mmm So is that a yes?" Maura raised an eyebrow trying to drag out his other self.

Darek whimpered and averted his eyes and shivered. "Erhm... Well... I... I... I don't know... It's all so... I..." He stuttered all flustered.

Maura licked his neck. "Mmmm, Angel C'mon." She was desperate to pull out the other side and have some rough fun.

Darek moaned as his flustered state caused him to be extra sensitive, he shortly after purred and grinned, looking at her with his golden eyes. "My, my.... Aren't we in a naughty mood a lot lately?.... Well then get that phone up so we can have a little fun..." He smirked wide as he leaned forward and kissed her neck while his hand reached down and played with her teasingly.

With a soft whimper, Maura tilted her head back and squeezed her legs together. Reaching over she picked up the phone and ordered room service. A knock came at the door and she looked at Darek for a command. 

Darek smirked wider as he had gotten his hand in so close that as she squeezed her legs together she only drove the finger that played by her entrance into her, he then nodded towards the door. "Well then, you wanted to add another plaything, then go ahead and let it in..." He said with a soft playful voice as he stroked and fingered her tenderly in the meantime.

Whimpering Maura nodded and slid out of bed. Walking to the door, her bare hips swinging, she opened it to see who was on the other side. She didn't bother to hide the fact that she was naked.

At the door a flustered tanned guy now stood, not sure on where to look. "Erh... You ordered room service...." He said nervously while leaning against the cart with that which she had ordered.

Darek smirked. "Well then, what are you waiting for? Come in then..." He shouted slightly from the bed so he would hear.

Maura smirked taking the boys hand to pull him into the room. "Cmon Sweetheart." She looked him up a down.

The kid stood slightly taller than her but lower than Darek with emerald green eyes and spiky short brown hair with an almost golden tone when it got hit by the light in the right way, wearing the uniform of the place fitted him rather well, revealing a growing interest despite his shy appearance, not as big as Darek's but still of considerate size.

Darek smirked furthermore and motioned for her to close the door when they were inside. "Well then my dear.... Since this was your idea I'll let you start the invite..." He leaned back on the bed to watch her have her fun.

"Mmm, My pleasure. What's your name dear?" Maura whispered in his ear as she nibbled on it gently. Moving down she started to kiss and lick his neck. "Don't be shy."

The kid moaned softly and looked nervous and shy yet bit his lip excited from her actions. "Name is Korak ma'am... Mhmm... What... What are you doing ma'am?" He stuttered slightly yet with a hint of that he knew very well what was going on, one proof was standing outright very clearly and making his pants seem a little tight at the moment.

"Just answer her questions and enjoy Korak, not everyday you'll get a chance like this..." Darek said with a wide smirk as he rested his head on his arms which he had crossed behind his head against the wall as he enjoyed the show and how tormented the kid was by Maura's actions yet also how much he enjoyed those said actions.

Maura smirked as she caught sight of his huge erection. "Look's like you know exactly what I'm doing." She reached down to massage his crotch over his pants.

Darek smirked and got up and walked over and cupped her and started playing with her as he kissed her neck. "Now, now... You're being a little to mean to the poor kid, better give you a little handicap..." He said with a mischievous smirk while he rubbed his own erection against her rear lightly.

Korak moaned and blushed, closing his eyes softly and leaning his back he whimpered softly as he despite everything wasn't sure on what to do.

Moaning Maura tilted her head and spread her legs so he could have better access to both. She pushed her ass against his erection and ground it into him. Releasing Korak's crotch she kissed the boys lips softly. "You may do as you please to me Korak."

Darek smirked and bended her over so she was directly infront of Korak's crotch. "I think he needs a little more encouragement..." He grinned and quickly positioned himself to enter her than did so, using that she was completely soaked from excitement. "mhmmm... Damn you're tight even when you're this wet..." He quickly started to thrust into her to prevent her from responding back and just caused by his thrusts to almost practically rub her face infront Korak's erection which wasn't showing signs of getting smaller just yet.

Surprised, Maura bent over with Dareks guidance. Getting the idea she unzipped the boys pants letting his erection spring out. She eyed it eagerly and pulled it into her mouth. She bobbed her head on his member, her lips going all the way to his base and touched his balls as Darek thrust into her. She gagged slightly but moaned around Korak.

Darek smirked more and increased the pace at which he was thrusting into her while his hands gripped her hips firmly and rubbed them teasingly. "Mhmm... That's more like it, you have to remember we're dealing with a very shy boy here..." He chuckled softly and winked at Korak. "She's quite good isn't she?"

Korak blushed and moaned deeply as she took his erection into her mouth, he slowly started to move his hips to her rythmic motion while he kept his hands behind his back as he still was both shy and unsure of what to do just yet, he nodded to Darek. "She's extremely good sir.... Daaaamn..." He moaned softly deeper.

Maura whimpered as Korak started to move his hips. She flicked her eyes up to look at the boys handsome face, she knew the sight of her being fuck, sucking him, and looking up at him would get the guy even hotter. She pumped her mouth on Korak even faster as they discussed how good a job she did.

Darek grinned at the sight of her enthusiasm and just pumped harder against her, enjoying the wet sound her of slit being pounded.

Korak moaned and blushed as he saw her look up at him, getting more excited just as she predicted and slightly stopped due to her whimpering which he wasn't sure of was because she liked it or not due to his inexperience.

Maura sucked Korak furiously. Determined to make him cum in her mouth. She grasped his balls and started massaging them as Darek fucked her.

Darek reached down and rubbed her clit rapidly while pounding her hard. "Now, now... Go easy and also give me some of that..." He said with a smirk as he spanked her rear gently then moved it up again to hold her hip and push them against him firmly with each thrust into her.

Korak moaned deeper and shivered as he reached over and placed his hands on the sides of her temples.

With a loud moan, Maura shook but remained eye contact with Korak. Darek rubbed her clit and spanked her, pushing her closer to the edge. She squeezed herself around Dareks member trying to pleasure him as well. She swirled her tongue around Koraks member as he put his hands on her.

Korak moaned and whimpered softly as he unconsciously very, very lightly guided her head up and down his member as he was close to climax from her treatment.

Darek moaned softly and grinned while easing up on her clit yet still rubbed it, just more soothingly and gently while pounded her cunt with an eagerness that still proved he wanted to her climax as well like Korak obviously soon would. "Mhmmm... Now that was more like it..." He moaned with a soft purr.

Shaking uncontrollably, Maura started to cum all over Dareks member. She whimpered around Koraks member, deep throating him all the way to his balls to make him cum with her.

Korak moaned as her actions brought him over the edge, causing him to cum in her throat, whimpering and shaking from cumming so hard.

Darek moaned from the sensation of her juices flowing down his shaft and coating his balls, feeling her shake an tighten around his member caused him as well to climax deep into her, shooting his load deep into her womb. "Mhmm... Damn, you really liked that didn't you you naughty girl?" He asked with a chuckle.

Swallowing Koraks cum with a tiny gag, Maura pulled off of him. She licked Koraks dick clean. "Mmmm I loved that." She purred as Darek shot his load in her. Pulling her self off of him she stood and took Korak by the member and led him to the bed. She sat on the edge spreading her legs wide and pushed Korak down on his knees so he was level with her sopping wet pussy.

Korak blushed and moaned softly. "Already? Oh my goodnes... Well that felt wonderful so to be honest I can hardly wait to feel what this hole feels like..." He quickly got ready and slid in his already again growing erection into her and started to slowly pump her.

Darek smirked and walked over calmly despite a slight lightheaded from cumming so many times already yet stood before her face quickly and wiggled his rod infront of her. "I believe you forgot to clean this little lady..." He winked and chuckled softly as he leaned down and kissed her roughly yet passionately then moved again so she had his rod right infront of her, eager to plunge deep into her mouth already.

"Mmmm. Oh Damn, your thick." Maura groaned as Korak slid into her. She turned her head eagerly to see Dareks rod in front of her. She wrapped her arm around his neck to kiss him just as roughly as he had her. She opened her mouth to accept him.

Korak blushed and tried going a little faster despite his fatigue.

Darek groaned and raised a brow then gently yet firmly shoved his rod into her throat full lenght. "Who's what now? Aren't you getting a little too fond of him now? If you don't behave I'll send him away, remember who allowed you to have this fun my little toy..." He reached down and pinched her nipple teasingly as he pulled his member gently back out and then let her do with it as she pleased.

Moaning around Darek, Maura's eyes went wide as she realized she slipped up. She plead with her eyes and whimpered and he shoved into her. She gagged and nodded as he pulled out. "Sir, I'm sorry. May he suck my nipple Master?" She leaned forward and pushed her tongue against the little hole in the head of his member.

Darek looked as if in thought then grinned wickedly. "We'll see... Depends on you..." He smirked then winked to show he'd allow it and was just teasing but still wanted her to make it up to him.

Korak looked confused then slowed a little in his pace then noticed Darek's grin and wink and went a little faster again yet not as fast as if he hanged on with Darek's idea and instead of fast went strong instead and instead of quickly thrusting into her he started to thrust firmly into her and teasingly slow.

With pleading eyes Maura took all of Darek in her mouth deep throating him with ferocity. She squeezed his balls. She was frustrated with Korak for teasing her but loved how he tried to go deep. Since he wasn't as long as Darek he didn't go as deep but he was so thick. She switched her pleading puppy dog eyes to Korak, trying to get him to suckle her.

Darek grinned softly and moaned with a gentle purr while gently moving his hips against her own movements, he motioned for Korak that he was allowed to do as she wished him to while he reached down and gripped one of her breasts and fondled it firmly.

Korak blushed and leaned forward and took her other breast into his mouth and sucked and nibbled on it eagerly while thrusting his member into her firmly with a teasing slow rhythm.

Whimpering with pleasure at both the guys actions Maura squeezed around Korak as she squeezed Darek's balls. Her nipples became hard fast as they both turned attention to her breasts. This felt so good.

Darek groaned softly and grinned as he lightly pinched her nipple with a soft smirk. "Oh, you liked that didn't you?"

Korak moaned deeply as her actions almost made him climax again, sucking firmly and licking her nipple tenderly while he thrusted firmly into her.

Darek smirked and tugged on her nipple as he thrusted his erection into her mouth rapidly for a short while. "Now now... Don't make me punish you, told you to take it easy on the poor kid." He said with a wicked grin.

Maura felt Korak tense and almost shoot his load in her and was disappointed when he didn't. She nodded to Dareks first statement and pouted at his next. She deep throated Darek trying hard to make both cum.

Korak moaned softly against her breast which he suckled on and nippled on passionately as he thrusted into her, tensing as he was close to cumming.

Darek groaned and grinned as he too felt that he was close, he rubbed and fondled her breast fondly as his hips slowly moved in counter to her movements, moving slowly forward as she did and back when she moved her head back. "Mhmmm... That's better..."

Squeezing around Korak as hard as she could, Maura took Darek all the way in her throat and squeezed his balls a bit hard. She wanted them both to cum.

Korak moaned and gasped as he finally came, her squeezing around him becoming to much for him, panting as he laid there exhausted from the whole ordeal.

Darek whimpered softly and shoved his member deep into her throat as he shot his load into her eager mouth, moaning happily with a soft purr. "Mhmmm... You naughty little girl... You knew damned well what you were doing there..." He grinned and stroked her cheek as he pulled out with a soft gasp as it was sort of sensitive right now.

Moaning as Korak came in her, Maura squeezed around him to milk his whole load out of him as he lay on her. She swallowed Darek's seed with a purr, licking her lips as he sprung out of her mouth. "My turn?" She purred, meaning it was their turn to pleasure her.

Darek grinned and leaned forward and kissed her roughly then broke the kiss up and leaned back. "I don't mind my insatiable little vampire girl... But I think you'll better give your little toy a breather or you'll break him..." He grinned wider and kissed her neck tenderly. "You have to remember he's a simple human, but if you can settle for your master's attention for a little while then he might recover soon." He said with a soft purr as he nipped her neck tenderly.

Korak gasped as he laid there weak on the corner of the bed, hardly even energy to look up as he wondered what they were talking about, of course he was human, they weren't? Then that would explain how come they didn't seem tired despite it all.

Leaning up to follow his kiss, Maura pouted when Darek pulled away from his rough kiss. She purred when his kissed her neck forgetting about her little toy for a second. "I would love your attention Master." She tilted her head. Her braid had fallen out and her black hair was spread behind her head on the bed. She turned to Korak when he gasped curiously. Realizing he didn't know they weren't human, she flashed a fangy smile at him.

Darek grinned and mumbled a few words and once again his wings spread out in all their glory, he then turned to Maura with a smirk. "Well then, if you really mean that and aren't to interested in your own toy then I'd gladly help you out even if I sort of wonder if I can truly ever satisfy your desires my little vampire queen." He kissed her neck passionately as he reached down and stroked her crotch tenderly with a soft purr.

Korak sort of got pale but didn't run, partially to intimidated to run and also sort of captivated by the whole ordeal of having had such incredible sex with two such creatures in real life.

"I'm interested in him, he just seems a little tired." Maura smirked her eyes glittering. She reached over to grasp Koraks soft member and stroke it to bring it back to life. "And, Angel, all I want is you. You satisfy me greatly." Maura shivered and purred as he stroked her sweet crotch. She continued to stroke Korak slowly as Darek pleasured her.

Darek grinned somewhat and stroked her more firmly while nibbling firmly on her neck. "Well don't seem like that right now, but I understand that you're rather fascinated with your little toy, but I think you should let him rest for a little while, humans have a somewhat more limited stamina than we do." He rubbed against her clit tenderly while nipping and gently biting her neck.

Korak Moaned and whimpered, squirming slightly with pleading eyes. "Please, just... Need a little.... Rest..." He panted softly even though he did enjoy what she did then his body was just to exhausted.

Maura pouted and released Korak. "They are slow little creatures." She caressed Koraks check before turning herself back to Darek, shivering as he rubbed her clit. "Oooh. Darek." She squirmed and moaned in pleasure. She rubbed his arm, tilting her head to the side her mouth open in a silent moan.

Darek grins and rubs firmly, pinching lightly on ocassion teasingly then strokes tenderly before moving a finger down and playing with it by her entrance as he nibbles and bites her neck passionately.

Maura squealed and squirmed. Moving her mouth she presses it to his in a strong kiss.

Darek returned the kiss firmly while he slid in his finger into her while rubbing her clit with his thumb playfully as he softly murmured into the kiss, his other hand gripping and fondling her breast gently.

Maura moaned as he slid his finger into her as they kissed roughly. She gasped into his mouth as he fondled her breast. She opened her eyes to look at him lovingly with her sparkly black eyes. Closing them again she kissed Darek with more passion.

Darek fondled her breast tenderly as his fingers and hand grew more lustful, fondling and caressing, rubbing and thrusting into her with intensity while he kissed her rough and passionately.

Maura moaned into his mouth as shivered before cumming hard on his fingers. She kissed him roughly as she calmed down.

Darek returned the kiss firmly then afterwards took his fingers up and licked the mischievously then leaned down and ever so gently licked her clean with a happy purr. "Mhmmm... And that was just from that?" He asked with a wide smirk.

Maura looked a little embarrassed. She whimpered as Darek licked her clean. "I was already almost there." She moaned watching him.

Darek smirked and nibbled playfully on her while he let his tongue explore her playfully. "Oh? And why would that be?" He asked with an even more wide smirk.

"Oh, I think you know." Maura gasps as he continues to nibble on her. She turns her head to look at Korak and see if he's ready.

Darek growled and lightly bit on her clit for a second as she turned her attention away towards Korak whom was still recuperating. "Ah, ah... And no, tell me?" He fondled her rear with his hands while pushing her gently closer as he did so.

"I was already aroused by being fucked by the human." Maura turned her gaze for Korak to Darek with a pout. She let Darek pull her closer to his mouth as she let out a whimper.

Darek sighed softly and nibbled gently, licking her very intensely while purring lightly, causing his tongue to vibrate against her.

Maura whimpered slightly in pain from Darek licking her very sensitive slit. Her gaze was locked on his head between her silky white thighs.

Darek licked more gently as he softly rubbed her hips while gently purring against her.

Korak still softly panted but was slowly starting to regain his stamina.

Maura smiled as shivered, cumming into Dareks mouth with a whimper. She writhed on the bed as she shook. She heard Korak gaining his stamina back and smiled

Darek licked every salty drop up then leaned back and let her rest for a second as he looked on.

Korak softly moaned as he tried to relax and let his body fully recover from it all.

Maura turned and looked back to Darek with a smile. "Thank you." She purred happily.

Darek smiled slightly and licked his lips softly. "My pleasure my love."

Korak breathed softly more regularly if perhaps a little quickly due to excitement as he looked at the two.

Maura grinned at Darek then turned to Korak. She heard his heartbeat slow to a almost normal pace. "Are you okay Sweetie?" She reached over and rubbed her thumb on Koraks tanned cheek.

Korak blushed and nodded as his heartbeat increased due to his excitement mixed with light fear which only roused him at the moment. "I-I'm fine... Was just exhausted, that's all.." He said softly with a gentle purr.

Darek hid his emotions with a grin as he laid down on the bed, acting like he was also short of breath.

"You're better? Oh good." Maura purred. The moment Darek moved her eyes went to him as always. She smirked when he acted as if he was exhausted. "You're a horrid actor Angel." Maura turned over and kissed Darek's lips roughly as she lay her chest on his but was on her knees, her ass in the air, her legs spread so Korak had full access to whatever he pleased.

Korak grinned softly as he moved over and extended his tongue, licking her tenderly then moved a hand over and slid a finger in and slowly started to move it back and forth.

Darek grinned lightly and returned the kiss a little more gently then moved up and kissed the top of her head and purred with a grin as something poked up between her breasts as he did so due to their current position.

Maura moaned as Korak explored her slit with his tongue and slowly started to finger her. She felt Darek's member press against her and she shot Darek a smirk. Leaning down she took Darek into her mouth.

Darek moaned softly as she did and reached down and stroked her cheek gently as he shook his head with a grin.

Korak purred softly against her while licking and fingering her softly as he started to very slowly stroke himself as well. "I can't believe I'm pleasuring a vampire..." He thought to himself as the thought of what he was doing aroused him further.

Maura flicked her eyes up to look at Darek as he stroked her cheek. She bobbed her head on him as Korak purred against her. She moaned and came off Dareks member for a second to purr, "Yess...Right there." to Korak.

Darek grinned softly and took the moment as his chance and got up and stretched, letting them have their fun for a while as he watched them.

Korak moaned softly and licked her passionately while thrusting his finger into her deeply.

Maura whimpered sadly as Darek moved away. She gave him a puppy dog face that was interrupted by a moan. She shivered as Korak continued to lick her. "Mmmmm."

Korak turned his newly regained energy completely on her and licked and fingered her ferociously.

Darek grinned and nodded as he leaned back against the wall and watched her enjoy, tilting his head slightly in amusement.

Shrieking, Maura came violently in Koraks mouth. She shook and shivered squeezing her eyes shut.

Korak eagerly licked up every drop then smirked as he positioned himself behind her and quickly slid in his erection into her and started to bang her before she really got time to calm down from her previous climax.

Darek stood and watched her with a half crooked smirk as a soft sigh escaped his lips, his eyes slowly turning to their hazel color.

Gasping, Maura bit her lip as Korak slammed into her. When she looked up and locked eyes with Darek, seeing his returning to Hazel, hers lightened to a dark dark purple as she started to fight back.

Korak who didn't understand what was going on or that anything was going on continued to thrust into Maura, reaching down and grabbing her breasts as he leaned forward and kissed her back.

Darek grinned softly as he on purpose let the other half of him win, letting him see and realize what was going on as he pretty much hadn't before.

Whimpering, seeing Darek's other side let him win, her side let her win. Gasping, Maura started squirming but Korak's grip on her was too tight. She was whimpering as her eyes turned a clear purple.

Korak looked confused and slowly stopped as he noticed that her sounds wasn't of pleasure and that she was suddenly fighting it, he stopped and sat back. "What? Did I do something wrong?"

Darek smiled softly. "No my dear Korak, just a certain part in her that lost control so to speak, same as with me I suppose you can say."

Once Korak released her, Maura sighed and, after shooting Darek a loving look, promptly collapsed on the bed unconscious.

Darek grinned softly and walked over and picked her up in his arms as if she weighed nothing then laid her down on her side of the bed and got a bathrobe around her for now. He also placed the blanket around her. "Funny how she always does that, guess it drains her a lot to let that part take control of her... Both me and her got more.... Beastial sides if you want to call it that, two ways you can tell which is out... Our eyes and well... Very, very lustful when it is the other is out."

Korak nodded slowly and sighed slowly. "Really bad time for her side to come out though.... But wouldn't do it to her now, not when she's not feeling for it."

Darek nodded and smiled. "Well maybe after some time after she's woken up then that part will come out eventually, then I am sure she'll want you along too then, so we'll see." He said gently before letting him get dressed and go on to continue his work.

Maura let out a small whimper as she lay on the bed. Her eyes opened slowly and she looked around for Darek, her eyes locking on him with a smile. She blinked up at him, to tired to speak.

Darek whom was the only other person in the room now smiled gently and reached over to stroke her cheek. "That other side really takes a lot out of you doesn't she?"

Nodding, Maura purred at Darek's touch. She turned her head to gently kiss Dareks palm as he stroked her cheek.

Darek grinned softly and watched her kiss his hand then looked to her. "Yeah for me then it's more what he does that can drain me rather than him taking over, but on another note, glad you had fun there."

Maura nodded understanding. She bit her lip embarrassed when he brought up her having fun. "Sorry about that, she caught me off guard. You do know your the only one I love?"

Darek smirked softly and leaned forward and kissed her cheek before stroking the other one. "No worries, if you had fun then that's all good."

Smiling, Maura tilted her head so Darek can kiss her cheek. Sliding out of bed, she went to her bag and pulled on her nightgown.

Darek smiled softly and watched her as she did so. "Yeah, sorry about that, didn't want to do too much while we had company."

Maura walked back to Darek, standing in front of him and looking up into his eyes smiling. "It's okay." She purred before standing on her tip toes and kissing him softly.

Darek kissed her back softly then leaned back against the wall with a soft grin.

Maura pouted when he leaned back against the wall. She leaned forward against his chest with a smile, placing her hands on his hard pecs as she rested against him. She had kicked her foot up behind her so he was supporting her light body weight. She look up at him pouting her thick black lips.

Darek grinned softly and sighed softly as he wrapped his arms around her lightly. "What is it now dear?"

Purring, Maura blinked up at Darek. "Kiss me?" she said softly, making puppy dog eyes at Darek with her clear light purple eyes.

Darek chuckled softly and leaned down and kissed her softly.

Happy, Maura kissed him back. She was standing on her tip toes, closing her eyes slowly.

Darek gently stroked her cheek as he stopped kissing her with a soft smile. "That's better dear?"

Maura nodded and nuzzled her cheek into his palm. "Yes, Are you tired Angel?" She searched his eyes.

Darek nodded slightly. "A little perhaps, why?" He diverted his eyes slightly, just barely noticable but enough for her to catch it due to her intense watching.

"Oh, Because...." Maura trailed off when Darek diverted his eyes. "What's wrong? Did-Did I do something wrong?"

Darek looked straight back at her with as innocent smile as he could muster. "What? Oh... No, why would you think that?"

Maura, noticing that he wasn't telling the truth, backed out of his arms. "What's wrong, I'm not stupid. I can tell somethings up." She stared at him without any hint of emotion.

Darek sighed and shrugged. "Guess just sort of hit a nerve even for my other self that you were pretty much paying only attention to the human and such.... Otherwise he wouldn't let me come back like that on purpose and also otherwise then I wouldn't remember a thing, just like the other times."

"Oh Darek!" Maura softened slightly. "That wasn't me, she did that on purpose because she knew it would get to you! I would..I would never." Her eyes started to water at the fact that he believed she would to that. She turned from him to hide her sadness.

Darek sighed and wrapped his arms around her and rested his head next to hers. "But she still is a part of you and therefor if that is so, why would she do that?"

"For the same reason your other side wanted you to see it. She doesn't really like me." Maura sighed and allowed Darek to wrap his strong arms around her. "She want's me to be miserable in this life, so I'll give in and live 'like a proper vampire'."

Darek tilted his head somewhat confused. "And how does a 'proper vampire' live then? And well he did that because he cares despite his otherwise.... Frisky attitude, like said he'd only do that with someone that I care about and thereby also him."

"Oh, You know. A bloody murderess who goes through boys like their the flavor of the week." Maura nodded when he explained why. "I'm frisky regularly so it's a bit of a problem."

Darek sighed and looked at her. "Are you trying to tell me off or what is it?"

"No, I'm trying to tell you that I love you and I only want you, you idiot." Maura's words were not meant to sting, her smirk told Darek this much. She relaxed snuggling back into his chest.

Darek smiled softly and kissed her cheek. "Alright and well then just don't let that side win dear... Isn't that easier?" He asked with a soft chuckle.

"Mmhmm, Sounds like a plan Love." Maura grinned when he kissed her cheek. "Let's get some sleep. But put some boxers on first Mister." She giggled crawling on the bed and climbing under the covers.

Darek looked down and then back up with a smirk. "Oh? Why?" He chuckled then reached over to grab a pair from his backpack and started to take them on then walked over to move in under the covers as well.

"Now who's supposed to be the Angel here?" Maura laughed as she watched him. She welcomed Darek under the covers smiling coyly at him.

Darek chuckled and kissed her softly while wrapping his arms around her. "Sorry, but that one was too good to just pass up." He smiled softly as he held her close.

Softly moaning as he kissed her, Maura giggled when he pulled away, still holding her close. She rested her head on his shoulder nuzzling into him.

Darek smiled softly and lightly rubbed her back as they laid close as he leaned forward to kiss her softly.

Maura purred as he rubbed her back. She let him kissed her and kissed him back softly.

Darek smiled and kissed her lips softly then moved down and kissed her neck while rubbing her back gently.

Maura giggled uncontrollably as Darek kissed her neck. She twined her legs with his moving as close to him as she could get.

Darek smiled softl and moved close to her as well, gently pushing her against him with his arms as he gently kissed her shoulder.

Maura smiled, moving closer as he pushed her with his arms gently. Not meaning to, Maura let out a yawn.

Darek smiled and kissed her forehead then laid against it with his own and looking into her eyes. "Go sleep dear, you're tired, don't force yourself awake because of me, I'll go sleep too soon."

Maura stared up into his eyes, her own drifting close as he told her to go to sleep. Relaxing back on the bed she drifted to sleep with a smile on her face.

Smiling happily Darek laid beside her and closed his eyes after kissing her forehead, slowly starting to drift off with his smile still on his face.

Staying sound asleep as Darek kissed her forehead Maura slept sweetly.

Darek slept soundly and happily with her beside her, snuggling closer to her in his sleep and nuzzling against her neck as well.

Several hours later, Maura was still sleeping soundly in Dareks arms.

Darek woke softly and smiled as he watched her sleep, kissing her forehead very gently, trying not to wake her.

Maura mumbled in her sleep snuggling closer to Darek still asleep.

Smiling brightly Darek watched her and tried to listen to what she was saying, just for fun.

Maura's mumbling was too low for Darek to hear. Her purple eyes suddenly fluttered open and she looked up at Darek with a smile. "Mornin'" She said sleepily.

Darek grinned and kissed her softly. "Goodmorning dear, sleep well?" He smiled as he stroked her cheek gently.

"Yes. Did you?" Maura asked her voice still sleeply as well as he smile.

Darek smiled and nodded then kissed her again. "Yes I did dear, very well indeed even."

Maura leans up trying to keep their lips together, frowning when he pulled away.

Darek grinned softly and leaned down again to kiss her when he saw her reaction. "Now that's just too cute..." He said softly before reaching down fully and kissing her lips.

Maura blinked up at Darek innocently. She flutter her eyelashes pouting. She smiled as he leaned down and kissed her black lips again.

Darek smiled as he kissed her and wrapped his arms around her gently.

Maura giggled against Dareks lips, breaking the kiss by turning her head. She was a little embarrassed and would be blushing if she could.

Darek grinned softly and leaned forward to kiss her neck then whispered into her ear. "What is it my dear?"

"I just can't get used to the idea that I get to kiss you everyday." Maura giggled embarrassed as she kept her head turned, shivering as Dareks hot breath hit her cold cold skin.

Smiling Darek leaned down and kissed her neck and nipped her earlobe. "Is that so?"

"Yes." Maura whispered softly with a tiny moan as Darek kissed her neck.

Darek grinned softly and kissed her neck again, licking across it playfully while holding her in his arms.

Giggling when Darek licked her neck Maura exclaimed "That tickles!" She squirmed in his arms giggling.

Chuckling then Darek licked some more and directly tickled her as well with a wide smirk.

Squealing happily Maura twisted and turned as she laughed. Her eyes were squeezed shut as she jokingly bat away Dareks arms.

Darek chuckled more and tickled her then leaned down and blew on her tummy.

Maura's giggling slowed as Darek stopped and blew on her tummy. She let out a final laugh as she looked down at him as he leaned on her body.

Darek chuckled and kissed her tummy finally then moved up and kissed her lips gently.

Maura smiled and kissed Darek back happily. She ran her hands up his arms across his broad shoulders to his bare back.

Darek shivered and smiled softly as he kissed her softly more tenderly.

Maura ran her tongue along Dareks lower lip. She rubbed her leg against his with a purr.

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2010-12-21 [KnightAngel]: Okay and well got a chance to pull out the other part more clearly, just a small peak at the first form, of course being an incubus then he'll take form after what the woman he chooses to chase after desires :P

2010-12-21 [La Luna]: Ooooo Maura has a bunch of power over him. :P

2010-12-22 [KnightAngel]: That she has, after all otherwise he might still been trapped in the back of his mind if she hadn't wished for him to return :P

2011-03-19 [La Luna]: I'm back....for now

2011-03-21 [KnightAngel]: Okay, that's good to know ^^

2011-09-01 [La Luna]: Back Back ^.^

2011-09-02 [KnightAngel]: Welcome back but really sure this should continue since it's restarted and all? :P Just because some countries have different laws and views on various things XP

2011-09-02 [La Luna]: Yes, I guess they do. But its not like this is real. So It can't be bad. I'll continue if you want *shrug*

2011-09-02 [KnightAngel]: *shrugs* it's entirely up to you, it can't really go any further than this place since my char isn't really in this anymore after the rebooting :p

2011-09-02 [La Luna]: We don't have to go back. We can create a whole separate thing with just them in it.

2011-09-02 [KnightAngel]: Well it is an possibility ^^ Mean then a whole new page just for them or?

2011-09-02 [La Luna]: WHole page?

2011-09-02 [KnightAngel]: Nah, just thought of a character page, don't really remember all to well how he looked and such XP You know, for reference and such on the characters

2011-09-02 [KnightAngel]: Darek Montrak Nevermind, found him XP

2011-09-02 [La Luna]: And I found her xP Maura Railton

2011-09-03 [La Luna]: I guess we can start back up again then!

2011-09-03 [La Luna]: What should they do? Like for a plot?

2011-09-03 [KnightAngel]: Hmmm... Good question XP Well an minor suggestion would be to for example have one of them be called back from the school which causes the other to decide to tag along and well stuff happens there after, perhaps some complex plan of sort in the brewing they don't know of or something XP Or they could try and manage the school life and the looks due to the difference in their races or something :P

2011-09-03 [La Luna]: Maura could be called away to do business for the school. Darek tags along and they go on a road trip?

2011-09-03 [KnightAngel]: That works fine for me :p

2011-09-03 [La Luna]: Alrighty!

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